Funny smell? No worries - the Chemical Commies are safe... |
Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge stuff. This is a group of Soviet troops in MOPP gear from Eureka. They are 28mm castings from the special-weapon section of the range - two RPGs, on PK machine gunner and one fellow with a flame thrower. These troops are known with affection among our group as the "Chemical Commies".
RPG guy on the left shows some effect from bad primer |
MOPP gear is very terrifying to see, and the Soviet MOPP gear has to be one of the scariest-looking of the scary. They are really fun figures to paint, and they were the first purchase of what created a still-unmatched bout of collection escalation amongst the Fawcett Avenue gamers.
Chemical Commie RPG troops |
The fun in this instance was spoiled somewhat by bad primer. Longer time blog readers may recall that I
previously had a run-in with Krylon primer. Well, that was almost a year ago. I was out of my "go-to" spray primer, so I thought - what the heck, it's been a year, that must have been a bad batch, I should lighten up and try Krylon again, right?
Flamethrower and PKMG - perfect for everything from NATO to Zombies |
Fortunately I was able to somewhat save these figures. Some Perry Hussars were not so luck (see a later post for that). So f*ck you Krylon, and the horse you rode in on.
I'm pretty sure the Combine's masks in Half-Life 2 were based on Soviet NCB kit. Very disturbing. I like these minis, I actually think I have one randomly kicking around somewhere. I should paint him up, since they can turn out so nicely :)
Damn you Krylon, lovely work by the way!
Great work Greg, shame about the undercoat!
Saying that they look marvellous, Really nice paint scheme. I hand prime all my figures as I don't trust sprays.
dude... WTF???
I just primed some PSC halftracks with Krylon in the cold basement a couple days ago with no problems. Do you always buy Krylon at the same place? Maybe their stock is bad?
Dallas - I think Krylon just hates me...they are paying me back for the bad PR lat time around :-)
Neat sculpts and really neat painting! Seeing these troops for the 1st time, I have some ideas how to use them, and not as commies. Thanks.
Nice figs!
I've had issues with Krylon too, and even more recently Rustolium primer. 3 cans in a row all sucked. Gave up on them.
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