Peter Pig 15mm T-55 - Syrian test model |
After a great Canada Day with family, I got started on some test models today for my
latest new insane project - the Golan Heights in 1973 in 15mm scale. I worked on assembling some T-55s from
Peter Pig. Again, I have to credit Peter Pig for having some of the nicest 15mm kits I have ever worked on. The sculpts are detailed, clean and easy to assemble. These tanks decimate Old Glory and QRF in terms of quality and ease of assembly.
To get some extra snazzy on these models I decided to mount antennas on the tanks. The quality of the Peter Pig castings makes this easy - the spot for the aerial is clear, and easy to drill out with a pin vise. A section of floral wire, some super glue, and viola - the tanks have aerials.
T-55s from Peter Pig before priming |
I did a "test model" tonight, trying to capture the Syrian green-and-yellow camouflage pattern. Not too bad for a first run, but I think the yellow isn't bright enough. I tried the "Zambesi Desert" colour from the new GW paint range - not too bad, but I might try and find something a little "yellow-er".
Front view of the painted T-55 test model |
I finished the model with weathering powders (man I love these things) and made my best attempt at some Arabic numerals on the turret. All and all, not too bad for a first go. Just need to add another nine or so of these tanks - the Syrians had a LOT of T-55s on the Golan in 1973.
Rear view of the T-55 test model, showing the effect of the weathering powders on the engine grates and exhaust areas as well as the treads. The turret number is supposed to be "300", I think.... |
The Golan Heights in 1973 was primarily a battle between tanks, but infantry (as it always does) played an important part. I am again using Peter Pig models to represent both sides. The Syrians will be represented by the "regulars" line of figures from Peter Pig's AK47 republic offering. Again, Peter Pig is in a class by itself when it comes to 15mm sculpts - easily the best modern era 15mm figures I have seen.
Peter Pig 15mm modern infantry, from the "Regulars" line, waiting for primer, and for me to have a hot clue as to the colour to paint them so they can represent the Syrians in 1973... |
I will mount the infantry on small 20mm round bases from 15mm.co.uk. Just one problem - I have no idea what the uniforms looked like. I am hoping Google will help me find some colour references for Syrian troops from 1973, but if anyone has any tips I'm all ears!
looking great
Looking good; nice work on the light. Dean
Love the tank, for the infantry I would think looking for period Soviets for reference would work out best. Smaller nations armies usually resemble their supplier with some differences, in this case that would likely be Arabic and unit badges.
Nice work on the first tank - camo looks fine to me.
Your enthusiasm for your new project is really coming through in these posts - keep it up!
Good start.
Looks great! For Syrian references, have you tried the Ospreys? "Campaign" 118 and 126 (Y-K War part 1 and 2), also MAA 128 "Arab armies of the middle east wars 1948-73"
A great job on your first T55!
Dallas is spot on for the uniforms.
I just realized I put the track sets on BACKWARDS on this tank. For !@#!# sakes! Let that be a lesson on trusting the CGI pictures in Osprey books...and how did I miss that in the other 1000s of pictures of T-55s in action online! Oh well...
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