Thursday, August 31, 2023

30k Imperial Fist Deredeo Dreadnought

"You are illegally parked on the Imperial Palace grounds - remove your vehicle at once, you have five seconds to comply."

Another walking bath tub with guns? You bet! This one sporting the worn and dirty yellow of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists. Tactical support is nice, and heavy support is even better, but when it comes time to hold the walls of the Imperial Palace on Terra against hordes and hordes of traitors, the defenders need ways to materially increase their heavy-calibre-rapid-firing-weapons-per-pair-of-legs ratio - and the Deredeo Dreadnought is just the ticket! This is a resin model from Forge World.

A "problem solving platform" for the Imperial Fists.

I am a big fan of these whacky models, so the Sons of Horus got one first (naturally), and I had also done one up for the Alpha Legion, although it is now at a new home (or, maybe, that's just what the Alpha Legion WANTS you to think...). As part of this summer's build up of Imperial Fist forces, I thought this Deredeo - which has been primed and ready for action for well over a year (sigh) - would be a nice addition, as it brings serious firepower to the table.

How much ammo is in those cannisters? Probably not enough to do more than briefly delay the noble warriors of the Warmaster...

This was purchased years ago, part of my 30k-forever hoarding. As a resin model from Forge World, the sculpting is generally lovely, but the production quality can be uneven, and resin is, in general, just a shit medium for multi-part wargaming models. The ammo belts for the cannons are quite dramatic, of course, but require careful heating/bending and other hobby BS as part of the assembly. It is also a bit of a project to make sure the autocannon barrels are actually straight...

Autocannons, missle launchers, and a pair of heavy bolters - this thing is a walking fire platform of fun!

It was fun to learn that this model will now be coming out as a multi-part plastic kit! GW has, just this week, re-announced its intent to bring the plastic model to market (but has not yet given a date, because of course). For some of the longer-term Horus Heresy obsessives like myself, these moments of seeing the resin kits you hated building being released as plastic multi-part kits can create a brief moment of bittersweet hobby reflection, but I continue to be a huge fan of GW's "Age of Darkness" plastics, and I sure hope the momentum continues!  I look forward to adding another Deredeo - in plastic - when the time comes!

Ready for action on the gaming table. I'm sure it won't get killed on the first turn or anything.

So that is another model done - stay tuned for more, as (another) summer of 30k reinforcements continues! Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Dallas said...

Eddy! Great work here as always, those gun barrels in particular look great!