Saturday, August 12, 2023

30k Imperial Fist Heavy Support Squad

Some heavy support for the Imperial Fists.

Even more loyalist reinforcements rolling off the painting table! Here we have a Space Marine heavy support squad, equipped with Mark VI "beakie" power armour and armed with lovely "shark fin" style missile launchers. They are painted in the colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists. 

Heavy firepower for the defence of Terra.

Heavy support squads are just another wonderful flavour of whackiness for GW's "Age of Darkness" game. Why have just one guy with a heavy weapon when you can have five? In fact, the squads can be even larger, up to 10 marines, but I thought five would do for now. Even five missile launchers will be sure to put a hole in SOMETHING, and this will notably improve the anti-tank firepower of my Imperial Fist Age of Darkness collection.

The launcher is very, very loyal to the look of the missile launchers from the original RTB01 box.

I just love the "beakie" Marines, and I am also a huge fan of the classic look GW went with for these weapons. The "shark fin" style of missile launcher is familiar to all fans of the Rogue Trader-era 40k game, and it is very fun to have these classic looking missile launchers running around on the table for the current version of the game. 

Love the retro-look on these models!

As before, these were not the easiest models to assemble, but one should apply a disclaimer to my opinion here, as I am not a gifted model builder...normal, patient people will get through it all without much trouble, or certainly mush less frustration, than I encountered. I will note, however, that a couple of the components are REALLY small, and caution is recommended so as to not have them fall off your hobby table and disappear forever in, oh, I don't know, a grey carpet, or a grey floor...f***!

Squad sergeant receives coordinates for his squad's next target...

So that is all for now, but I continue working away at loyalist reinforcements for my collection, so watch this space for either more Imperial Fists, or some of their allies...or perhaps even a sudden corrective of additional reinforcements for the Warmaster? Anything is possible...thanks for reading, and I hope you are having a great summer. 


Ray Rousell said...

Love the yellow Greg.

Neil Scott said...

They look superb

Dallas said...

Sharky MLs for the win! Great work here dude.