Friday, August 18, 2023

Kromlech Confession Machine

On my last trip to the glorious Meeplemart I picked up a lot of hobby things... some of them were even for myself. Of of the things I got was this neat 28mm "Confession Machine" from Kromlech. It's a laser-cut MDF kit you put together yourself.
Lots of parts in the kit too, assembly was relatively straightforward with only a couple of tricky parts. It took probably a couple hours to assemble, using mostly white glue but some superglue for parts with tenuous attachments.

Painting was pretty simple as well - basecoat with dark grey and highlighting upwards from there; the brass bits are GW Brass Scorpion highlighted Retributor Gold.

The front of the cage is removable as shown below...

Interior of the machine. It's big enough to hold a 28mm model on a 25mm base with no problem. Probably should weather that cage bottom.

The detail is pretty cool, I like the scriptural detail and the iconography for where to put your hands.

Here's a shot showing scale with some Inquisitorial retinue figures.

And with one of the Sisters of Battle. All of these folks are presumably big Confession Machine enthusiasts!
"[With] billions of sinners [in the Imperium]... Imperial preachers [were] called upon [to create] machines capable of determining the guilt and punishment of those not obeying the Emperor's credo. Raised next to the walkways of [city] skyscrapers, automatic confession machines are programmed to detect every dark thought, scanning Imperial citizens for mutation and corruption within.

If the victim inside is found guilty, the adamantium gate closes and furnace fire begins to rage. [A] few seconds later, ashes are scattered by vents on top, and [the]gate opens, welcoming [the] next law-abiding citizen..."  

The proofreader of that blurb likely should have been incinerated in a confession machine themselves, but in any case it's a pretty cool piece of 40K scatter terrain. It was pretty fun to build and paint as well.


Greg B said...

Oh man - this is screaming out to be a central objective for a game! Great work on this Dallas.

MFraser said...

This should be our objective for the sisters/steel legion game. The sisters want the heretical population of Toxo IV to confess their sins before burning. The imperial guard commander believes their guilt is already assured and wants to go straight to the burning. These vastly different interpretations of the Emperor’s will result in all out war for control of the confessional and the right to “purify” Toxo IV!