Sunday, May 14, 2023

Renedra Wattle & Daub Outbuilding

I was down in the States recently and stopped in at an excellent tabletop gaming store - Little Big Wars in Fargo, ND. Among other things acquired there was this impulse terrain purchase - a "Wattle & Daub Outbuilding" from Renedra.

The model consists of very few parts (walls, two roof sides, roof centre) and was pretty inexpensive (like less than $8USD). It assembled "OK" but really needed a base to be stable, which I supplied myself from plasticard. This enabled me to make the roof removable.

Easy paintjob for sure, a combo of Rakarth Flesh and Pallid Witch Flesh with Agrax wash, and Zandri Dust for the thatched roof. You can see my only beef with the model clearly in the photo above - it's that the centre part of the roof is a bit too long. Anyway, for the money it's fine.

Here's a Crusader Miniatures Norman to show the scale of the building. It'll be fine, it's an outbuilding after all, not somebody's house.


Codsticker said...

I like your paint job, and the building looks perfectly serviceable, but the sculpting looks a bit coarse. I'm guessing they didn't get one of the Perry's to sculpt the master for them lol.

Greg B said...

Great work on this Dallas - always impressed when others manage to get some terrain painted :)