Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Imperial Army Force Commander

 I've been having fun playing around with the Militia & Cults list for 30k and made an entire army in the form of the Inferallti Hussars. To give the Traitor Legions some cannon fodder valued support, I'm adding some units to my existing 40k Imperial Guard army. I don't need to add much as the two armies use much of the same equipment, but they do have to be slightly reorganized.

First up is the all important Force Commander. This model is from Knightmare Miniatures and pays homage to a piece of Rogue Trader art of Rogue Trader Joff ZUCKERMAN "Hero of the Kynblax Genicide." You know it's Grim Dark when genocide can be considered "heroic." 


This model won't be representing old Joff, but I'm sure he's a suitably nasty character in his own right. He fits well in the traitor force as he's already displaying a desiccated head! Unfortunately, he's wearing power armor without a helmut, but maybe that head band contains a refractor field or something. He also has a tattered rag wrapped around him which I painted up the same color as the guard army uniform. I figure he wrapped his original uniform around his power armor as a show of solidarity with his men...or maybe he's just nuts.

 Last up is a goofy conversion of an earthshaker cannon. The Militia & Cults list doesn't allow Basilisk tanks (those are for the Legions), but they can have the immobilized gun. I had the gun in my bits box (thanks to another conversion for an ork army that never got off the ground) and mounted it on a small chassis I was able to cobble together. It's a bit rough, but I think it helps represent how poorly equipped the militia were compared to the legions during the Horus Heresy.

The last thing I'm going to add are some Grenadiers to represent the Force Commanders elite guard. Hopefully I should have those done in a few weeks.

Thanks for visiting.


Dallas said...

Wow Mike, fantastic work! I especially love Joff!

Neil Scott said...

superb work

Greg B said...

This is brilliant Mike, well done! I love Joff!