Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Rogal Dorn

My Imperial Fists have been my main effort since I started with 30k. I think I have over 5000 points worth of stuff which is more way more than can be reasonably gamed with. Just putting it all on the table might take half an hour! It's been a rewarding army to paint, but there comes a point where it's just silly to add more. There are other ptojects and other legions to paint! The only models left are the ones I've been dreading a bit. This is due either to their size or percieved complexity. I've finally decided to suck it up and just get them done. The first up is Primarch Rogal Dorn designed by Forgeworld. Anyone familiar with the model will notice it's missing something. Dorn's supposed to be wearing a cape. Forgeworld loves their capes on guys in power armour! I challenge anyone to tie a large piece of cloth to a backhoe and see how long it manages to stay on. I'm pretty sure the second Dorn sits down and shifts his weight, he's tearing that thing off. Despite this I did try to use it, but I just couldn't get the damn thing to fit under Dron's backpack. It just wasn't going to happen and I have to thank my daughter for halping me make up my mind to just leave it off. She felt that it was a bit silly to wear both a cape and a backpack at the same time. She also felt it looked a bit too "busy." Good enough for me. I also didn't go nuts with the face. Faces aren't my strong suit and I didn't see Dorn chaning that fact, so I just slapped a few flesh tones on him, added a wash and left it at that. I didn't even consider doing the eyes or his teeth. I'm happy this model is dinally done and I think it really adds to the collection. These Primarch models are a bit silly, so I don't see myself getting another, but I think the Fists deserved their Primarch on the display shelf. Last up with be the Fellblade. The yellow is going to take a while so I doubt I'll get it done before the painting challenge starts, but I'll be happy to at least make some progress on it. Thanks for visiting.


daveb said...

Very brave of you painting up a centre piece figure like Dorn. I totally empathize with having some cook large minis around and being very reticent to touch them as I won't 'do them justice'.

You fig has turned out very well. I like the recipe you've used for the gold armour. I imagine the cloak would help to inject a bit more colour, as it's a lot of gold. The groin cloth (whatever that's called) certainly helps.

What are the small cylinders on the belt? I'd usually think grenades but they seem strangely less crisp than the rest of the maybe it's sculpted with a weird texture?

Greg B said...

Way to go Mike!!! He looks great!!! Congrats on getting that done, will be a fine centrepiece for your Imperial Fists!!

MFraser said...

The cylinders are some sort of grenade and they have a strange diamond pattern sculpted on them. I wasn’t sure what they were going for with them, so decided to just keep them utilitarian. The detail isn’t really sharp enough to do much with them.

Neil Scott said...

Very nice. I also prefer to see marines without capes

Dallas said...

Nice work on this model, Mike. Can't have a Legion without a Primarch, after all!

MFraser said...

Unless it’s Angron! His legion could have done without him.

MFraser said...

Unless it’s Angron! His legion could have done without him.