Well the Conscripts didn't have a ton of quantity at Prairiecon this year but I think we had good quality. The scheduling was a bit... unusual as there were too many games scheduled (lots got cancelled for lack of players signed up) but since I waited till the last minute as usual I only got one on the schedule - Otherworld Miniature Skirmish Dungeoncrawl, same as I ran years ago. I had five players for it (including Conscript Mike F), only one no-show.
Mike took the Orcs of the Porcine Visage and their buddy Phil, the two-headed Ettin. Unfortunately Phil met a sticky end at the hands of the Vampire gang and Mike's Orcs subsequently bottled out of the game.

A "Wandering Monster" card was drawn in the treasure room and whoops! Giant spiders!!
Anyway Mike ran a game there too - "The Doomed"! It looked really cool, some post-Apocalyptic monster-hunting. The guys playing really had a blast and it seemed to come down to the last die-rolls!
On Friday night I ran an extra-curricular game of Lunar for founding Conscript Curt and his buddy Jeremy, who drove out from Regina.
Lunar is a really fun game and I think Curt and Jeremy had a good time.
Curt also ran a beautiful game of Hametsu (also from Black Site Studios!). Curt did send me a pic he took of me and Jeremy with the table, the terrain and models were off the hook as usual for Mr. Curt :-)
Other than playing and running games I also put in a couple hours at the registration desk and auctioneered as usual. The Prairiecon auction is an institution - a great place to move along games you no longer play or pick up some that you think you might, someday. I think the oddest item this year was a copy of the Barney Miller board game. It got no bids as it crossed the block but I was told later that it sold. Somebody got a beauty there :-) But three hours of standing, waving around 10-lb Kickstarter boxes over my head, and constant loud talking (I ditched the mic as it wasn't working well) was plenty for me. But I always have fun doing it and will be back next time, if they'll have me.
See you in Brandon next year!
Nice to see photos of the games - some great looking tables there.
Thanks Cod! Not a lot of miniature wargaming at Prairiecon unfortunately…
Great looking games guys! The dungeon crawl is certainly a classic, and I can also attest that "Lunar" is a great time. Well done!
The dungeoncrawl looks really nice! Maybe one day I will be able to attend PrairieCon... Do you have any comments/review about Otherwolrd Fantasy Skirmish? You are the only blogger to mention that game and I'm curious to know how it plays and what it does differently from the bazillions others games around?
I should have taken photos during The Doomed, but I was too preoccupied with running the game. Oh well! The game went well and ended in the most cinematic way with one of the last hunters standing killing the monster with his dying breath!
@MajorTheRed... I like the Otherworld Rules, the ruleset was designed for two players but there's a webpage that sets out some ideas for multiplayer games, which work pretty well. The base game is fast and straightforward fantasy skirmish, roll to hit, roll to wound, armour save, pretty standard stuff. Magic uses a pool of dice with target numbers that the caster needs to roll. One thing I really like about the rules is that the monsters in rules are pretty much all the standard D&D monsters and that Otherworld makes models for all of them! The Adventure Deck is a great concept, basically triggering a trap, treasure or wandering monster. The production quality of the materials is great and you can get a package with sheets to track your warband and cards for the Adventure Deck, spells, and magic items.
There's a much more in-depth review here: https://swordsofminaria.blogspot.com/2015/12/review-otherworld-fantasy-skirmish.html#:~:text=Otherworld%20is%20a%20wargame%20that,home%20when%20they%20are%20restored.
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