Monday, November 20, 2023

Warmaster Battle Report!

Last Thursday Conscript Greg was in town, and as previously planned, he brought two Warmaster armies with him to put on a game! The armies were both old-school GW metal models and looked fantastic - Orcs and Empire!

Conscripts Mike F. and Dave (but mostly Mike F.) ran the Orc horde while Greg and I commanded the Empire army. The scenario was pretty straightforward - the adversaries were battling over control of the ruined tower in the middle of the battlefield.
We deployed the Empire army on both sides of the wood in the middle of our side. On our left was a solid block of three halberdier units fronted by crossbowmen, a battery of two cannon, and another crossbow unit.
Over on our right we deployed two rock-hard units of Knights with some more halberdiers and crossbowmen. The plan was to send the Knights around the Orc left flank while the rest of the army fronted the enemy.
The orcs had their own ideas! They deployed in a huge brigade in the middle with Trolls and goblins off on their right flank advancing on the tower.

Knights charge the Orc left flank! It didn't go great for the Orcs,
Meanwhile the Empire age was whizzing around making a nuisance of himself with his fiery ball spell (it worked once). But he made sure to get well out of the way when the Knights got into position for a charge on the Orc brigade. Fortunately for those orcs they were able to "left-face" and avoid a flank charge from the knights.
An excellent fight resulted - the mage even helped by casting an opportune Weird Enchantment on the orcs - they subsequently suffered -1 Attack per stand and treated all enemies as terrifying. Came in really handy for the Knights as they ran through and wiped out both units facing them.
Meanwhile back on the left flank the orcs were charging forward, led by the Trolls. The brave crossbowmen at the front of the halberdier brigade fought them to a standstill then wisely withdrew to the rear, leaving the halberdiers to face them. The cannons at the left pivoted and let fly, driving the Trolls off to the Empire right. Before that they'd blown up a bunch of goblins.

But the main Orc assault was yet to come, the Orc general joined a unit of Warriors and in they went. It went pretty well for the greens at first as they kept winning combats, but at the last the remaining halberdiers steeled themselves for one last effort and inflicted enough wounds to wipe out the attacking unit... and with it the Orc general. Game over.

Man this game was fun, we hadn't played Warmaster in years and years. And the armies looked fantastic. Even at about a thousand points a side this made for a great game!


Grenzer John said...

Warmaster - my all-time favourite GW game and in my opinion, the best they published!
Nice report!

Greg B said...

Thanks for hosting Dallas! It was great fun - some of those figures were painted over 5 years ago, so it was wonderful to get them on to the table.

Curt said...

Great report dude! It's fabulous to see that game on the table again.