Friday, November 3, 2023

Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave

I PROMISE this will be the last post with new painted Sisters of Battle models for some time. But these guys just arrived in a trade and I wanted to get them done. Thanks PW from Facebook!

First up in the group is its leader, a Missionary with Chainsword. What a lovely model eh? The pose, equipment, and everything else about it are just great. Super easy to paint too. I used some decals on the book pages.

He's got plenty of gear, that's for sure.

I also got two Death Cult Assassins. These models are pretty neat too. While I think they may still even be available in resin, these are old-school metal models. I like 'em. 

Kick up yer heels!

Lastly here are six more (a whole box worth of) arco-flagellants. I've painted six of these already for the army and they've acquitted themselves decently on the table so far.

There was one missing an arm, but my trading partner had done a clever conversion which I am OK with.

So that's basically it for the Sisters, for now. I might get 'em all out for a group shot but I'm gonna start back on painting some other stuff. The new Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes Battle Group box just arrived, after all!


Codsticker said...

I love that Missionary model- it is one of my all time favourite 40K models and your paint job is perfect.

Greg B said...

Agreed, the Missionary is just a fantastic figure in particular.

Are you sure you can't add, like, just another squad or two? You know, to round things out... :)