Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Doomed

Osprey released a new wargame several months ago called “The Doomed”. It’s a rules light skirmish game set in a suspiciously grim dark setting. The game depicts several factions struggling against giant monsters called “horrors”. The various factions have advanced technology, but are pretty medieval in appearance . The game encourages kitbashing the various factions and the faction descriptions are deliberately vague and open to interpretation. One of the factions is called the “Martyr Retinues”. They are basically tech priest in 40k and I decided to kitbash and paint a 5 “man” squad from various bits.

This guy is converted from a Heroclix Hulk model. I added a power fist from a 40k contemptor dreadnought as well as a backpack and bionic head. I imagine this guy is genetically engineered and then given bionic components to make him more suitable for battle against giant monsters. This has had an unhealthy effect on his flesh which appears to be approaching a state of decay.

This fellow is almost entirely bionic. He’s made from a mark III space marine chest, skitarii head and legs and arms from an adeptus titanicus knight.

These 2 grunts are made from a combination of genestealer cult and skitarri models from GW. The legs are from a copplestone robot and Victoria Miniatures.

The last member of the group is the leader. One of the weapons this faction can use is called a “thermal lance” I decided to literally interpret this as a lance. I used bits from my Bretonnians, skitarii and parts from an ork burner. Instead of a mount, he has bionic legs from a Mantic enforcer. The shield is from anvil industry.

I limited the number of colours used and relied heavily on washes to achieve a very grimy effect and to help unify them as members of a single faction.

This was a fun and goofy unit to build and the vague theme and descriptions really let you run wild. I plan to complete a few more squads over the winter, but now it’s back to the steel legion!

Thanks for visiting!


Simon said...

Nice figures, but grim dark is not my thing.

Dallas said...

Wow, these are great Mike! Very Blanchitsu!

Greg B said...

These guys are fantastic Mike, well done!

Curt said...

Great work, Mike! How's the actual game though? Good?