Sunday, February 5, 2023

New Year's Day Game - More from the Horus Heresy!

This year, in accordance with ancient tradition, I had some of the boys over for a New Year's Day game. I knew Conscript Mike F had been hard at work on his Imperial Fists so I wanted to tee up a game with those guys, and their traditional opponents are of course my Iron Warriors! So it was on.

I set up an urban terrain table that looked pretty good, if I do say so myself. The game was straightforward, the standard three objectives. Whoever held two or more at the end would be the winner.

Here are the opposing forces. It would be a decent sized battle.

We pick up the action in progress, just some impressions of the game.

Iron Warriors Medusa dropping ordnance indirectly.

Iron Havoc missile launcher squad makes short work of an Imperial Fists Rhino...

... while their colleagues with lascannons line up the Fists Land Raider.

Siege Tyrants advance on the flank with a IV Legion Deimos Rhino.

Action in the middle of the table - objective (the infamous "God Box") is just visible at the base of the column.

Land Raider rolls forward... not long for this world...

I think these are the Templar Brethren. They were horrifyingly effective in the game. Their stat line is crazy good. Behind them is a huge crater left by their exploding Land Raider.

Some close in action. Unfortunately the Iron Warriors are about to get a nasty squeeze.

Some action on the Warriors' right flank near the Slurm vending machine objective. 

Siege Tyrants look on at the middle objective.

Imperial Fists Terminators drop in near the shed that houses the third objective.

This was a real exciting encounter - the Siege Tyrants and a squad of Iron Warriors took on the squad of Imperial Fists Terminators. The fight was close but as I recall, the Iron Warriors barely prevailed due to an inopportune morale failure on the part of the Fists.

Despite the Medusa dropping ordnance on the objective, the Fists held it with a model or two at the end of the game. I think they held the Slurm machine as well, so the final result was Fists two objectives, Iron Warriors one objective. But it was a pretty close game.

Thanks to Conscript Mike for bringing his gorgeous Imperial Fists army and to the boys who were able to make it out for the game!

1 comment:

Greg B said...

The Slurm machine - surely the key the everything! Great look game guys, well done.