Thursday, December 5, 2024

Rogue One Redux by Conscript Greg

Recently, Conscript Greg trekked back to Winnipeg from Hogtown to run a Star Wars game using Bolt Action. It was an alternate history version of Rogue One, where Director Krennic's AT-AT was downed by a Rebel cell, who moved in to try and capture the Imperial bureaucrat to inflict some enhanced interrogation.

Greg used mostly Bolt Action v2 rules, with v3 firing resolution, overseen by Dallas. Greg provided the infantry figures, which included some 3D prints. 


Below, Krennic and his Deathtrooper drinking buddies have climbed out of the wreckage, awaiting reinforcements.

The Rebels move in from both short able edges.

Panoramic view of the table. It's a great desert terrain modular affair once owned by Greg, now in the hands of Dallas.

"I hear blaster fire!"

Some Rebel Heroes, led by K2-S0, advanced along the dry river bed.

They climbed all over Krennic and his surviving bodyguards. Baz was the first Hero to fall.

Lights out! Now to get this guy off the table. Chirrut went down immediately after this photo was taken.

The Conscripts gather around the table as the action heats up.

Reinforcements, including multiple Sandtrooper squads and Speeder Bikes, swarmed in from both long table edges. Jynn Erso finally went down before she could rendezvous with Cassian Andor.

The Rebels were whittled away by the overwhelming Imperial firepower. 

Fittingly, K2 hooked up with Cassian, who then  managed to drag Krennic off the table. They were the sole Rebel survivors!


Bolt Action provided a fun, fast game. We look forward to seeing Greg on his next visit to town!

Thanks to Greg for putting on such a fun game, and to Dallas for graciously hosting!


JamieM said...

Looks like a great game and using bolt action for a sci fi game has me considering bolt action now….. curses!

Greg B said...

It was awesome to visit with everyone again, and to enjoy some great Star Wars gaming! Poor Director Krennic...

Codsticker said...

Great looking game.

Dallas said...

That was a super game! Thanks for putting it on Greg!