Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XV is only two weeks away, and the final countdown has started. Due to my computer crashing, I never got around to cross-posting any of my submissions from AHPC XIV. I hope you will indulge my journey down 'Memory Lane'.
First up is a force of early war Germans consisting of a squad of nine cavalry, nine casualties to act as pin markers and another truck specifically to be used as a weapons tow.
The nine cavalry figures are by Crusader Miniatures. The first three I got at least 25 years ago as a free sample with an order of primarily late war British/Canadian infantry packs. What do you do with three cavalry? In my case, you assemble and prime them, and then put them in a storage box for a quarter century. When I recently put in an order for more minis from Crusader, I decided to get two more packs to flesh out the original three to a total of nine. The Bolt Action rules don't have any provision for Heer cavarly, only SS units. I am not sure if they will see action on the table top, but most German infantry divisions in 1939-40 used cavalry for reconnaissance. They were painted using Vallejo acrylics with a variety of Games Workshop washes.
On an interesting note, the three original figures I received as a free sample had horses that looked more like plow horses than cavalry mounts. The more recently acquired figures had nicer sculpts for the horses, but being somewhat thinner, there was a noticeable gap between the horse's body and the saddle blanket.
'Forward at the trot!' |
Command group |
The three free cavalrymen from Crusader Miniatures |
Early war German army cavalry on patrol |
The nine casualties figures are by Black Tree Design, although I bought them when that line was still known as Harlequin Miniatures. They came as a pack with three minis of each of the three poses, one with a leg blown off, and another missing an arm. I am not sure what plans I had for them at time. Again, like many miniatures I have purchased, they sat in a storage box for at least 25 years. More recently I had mulled over plans to use them as pin markers for Bolt Action, and I had a few ideas on how I would do it. In the end, by the time I finally got around to doing something, several others had already done something similar. A case of 'great minds think alike'? I cut bases for them out of old plastic gift cards the same size as those I made for my cavalry figures, and then made a small box using a thin 2" strip of card scored every half inch so that it could be folded to form a square. The sides around the box were built up using Spackle, and then the base was coated with sand. The figures were painted as for the cavalry.
9 pins markers for Bolt Action |
A close up of the nasty wounds, and the box to hold the dice |
The final element is a Krupp Protze Kfz 69 to act as a weapons tow for my Pak 36. I had painted up three of these trucks during AHPC XII, but did them as troop carriers. While on my re-enacting travels in April I stopped in at a hobby store and found they had one box of the same kit from Rubicon Miniatures that has the necessary parts to do either version of the truck. Just what I was looking for. The truck was painted using AK Interactive Dunkelgrau, and then given a wash of Vallejo European Dust Model Wash.
Rubicon Krupp Protze Kfz 69 |
A top view of the Protze with a Pak 36 in the background |
Nice to see some early war cavalry - not a very common sight on the war games table.
Good stuff! Like the cavalry and the pin markers are awesome too.
Great work Frederick - I'm sure you'll have a deluge of work for this year's edition of the Challenge too...
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