A year ago
I finally finished painting my early war Polish army and was looking for a
suitable scenario to deploy them on the table top. I hit upon Scenario 1 from
the Bolt Action campaign book ‘Germany
Strikes!’ which is about the defence of the Polish Post Office in Danzig. There
were a few special units required, such as Steyr ADGZ armoured cars and several
German light and medium artillery pieces. Doing some research into the actual
battle, I was inspired to not only paint up the additional units, but to build
the center piece of the battle, the massive Polish Post Office itself. (Use the
tag ‘Polish Post Office Danzig’ to find the related posts on our blog.)
Last night Conscript
Dallas hosted the game in the ‘Churchill Bunker’ with five other conscripts to
command the Polish and German Forces. The Poles are superior in quality to the
majority of German units, but they are significantly outnumbered and outgunned.
With the hard cover of the post office
building, and the inexperience of the attackers, it would still be a
difficult task for the Germans to capture the building.
The Polish
Forces consisted of 2nd Lieutenant Konrad Guderski, six rifle
sections of four men, two light machine gun teams, and two grenade launcher
teams. Guderski is a veteran with a +2 morale modifier, and the rest of his men
are regulars. The Poles have a ‘No Where To Run’ special rule which allows them
to re-roll failed morale tests. In addition, Guderski also has a ‘They Shall
Not Pass’ special rule where he can set off a massive grenade charge which causes
every model within a radius of 3” of him (including himself) to take a hit with a +1 Penetration value.
The German
Forces consisted of a mix of SS-Heimwehr Danzig, SA, and Ordnungspolizei,
supported by two armoured cars, a medium machine gun team, two light
howitzers, a medium howitzer and a small section of assault pioneers with a
flamethrower and satchel charges. They would come on in three waves as follows:
1st Wave: 1
x 2nd Lieutenant, 2 x Ordnungspolizei Sections, 1 x MMG Team, 1 x Light
Howitzer, 1 x Steyr armoured car, Deploy on the table anywhere outside 12” from
the Post Office.
2nd Wave: 1 x 2nd Lieutenant, 3 x SS-Heimwehr Danzig
Sections, 1 x Assault Pioneer (Sapper) Team, 1 x Medium Howitzer. Enter on Turn 3 from any board edge
3rd Wave: 1
x Sturmabteilung Section, 1 x Light Howitzer, 1 x Steyr armoured car. Enter on Turn 4 from any board edge.
While the
officers, support weapons, armoured cars, and sappers are regulars, the rest
are all inexperienced with the SS-Heimwehr also rated as Green (on first
casualty roll D6 - 1: extra D6 pins & go Down, 2-4: no effect, 5-6: upgrade
to Regular), and the SA rated as Shirkers (always take order test, count
pins as double).
The Polish
defenders were trying to hold more rooms in the post office building than the
Germans at the end of the game, which would last a minimum of 5 turns. At the
end of that turn, there is a ⅔ chance of a sixth turn, with a ⅓ chance of a seventh.
Rather than
have the Poles inside the building model, they were deployed on a grid off
board designating the six rooms on each floor. Not knowing where the Germans
were coming from, the Polish players deployed in ‘all round defence’
The Germans
players deployed their first wave near the eastern end of the post office
building, and began bringing artillery and machine gun fire on that part of the
building. Initially the German artillery had little success, and the Polish
defenders were able to take out the Germans’ MMG team. However, with the
arrival of the second wave, things started to swing over to the Germans’ side.
They were able to score a devastating hit with the medium howitzer that took
out a rifle section, a grenade launcher team, and a LMG team. Meanwhile two sections of SS-Heimwehr tried charging
the front entrance of the post office, and the Assault Pioneers planted a
satchel charge against the west end of the building.

Polish casualties were mounting, the defenders successfully repelled some of
the Germans rushing the front entrance. One Heimwehr section got upgraded to Regulars on receiving their first casualty, but later rolled a
‘FUBAR’ on their command check two turns in a row and ran off the game board. However, a section
of Ordnungspolizei and an officer were able to get inside. At that point the Polish commander set off a
bag of grenades in the midst of the Germans that wiped out the squad, but due
to the vagaries of the game rules, the Polish and German officers both managed
to survive the blast.

Despite this
brief success, the Germans gradually managed to gain the upper hand. Polish
squads were forced to retreat to the south side of the building to avoid the
German artillery fire, while the Steyr armoured cars started to drive around to
that side to bring them under machine gun fire. Meanwhile the satchel charge
blew a hole in the west wall allowing more German squads to enter the building.
The game
ran to the maximum seven turns with the Germans finally controlling more rooms
than the Poles at the very end. This played out much as the historical battle.
At the end of the game, I gave a brief summary of the fate of the Polish
defenders. The players enjoyed the game, which hung in the balance until the
final turn. It was good to finally see
all the newly painted units on the table top, as well as the model of the post office building. A few of the conscripts have
suggested that the scenario would do well as a participation game at a
wargames convention. Until next time!