For those that remember my Minotaur Chapter project, you’ll know I’m a fan of the Badab War. It’s one of my favourite parts of the 40k lore and it’s extremely detailed thanks to Forge Worlds Imperial Armour books. Since finishing the Minotaurs I’ve wanted to create another chapter that took part in the war: The Executioners.
Unfortunately the project stalled because I couldn’t get the armour colour right. I experimented with contrast paints and washes and eventually found something that worked. Unfortunately it was too difficult to replicate and was totally impractical on vehicles. So there the project lingered until I saw someone online mix the Fang with Iron warriors to create the above colour. I painted up a test model and confirmed it worked. Since it didn’t involve any contrast paints for glazes, I could use it on vehicles too. Here’s the first tactical squad painted up:

The chapter decals are from Fallout Hobbies and I’m really happy with them. Fallout Hobbies has some bad online reviews dating from the pandemic. Like most industries , they were hit hard and customer service suffered. I can honestly say that whatever issues they did have were fully resolved. Orders are shipped within a week of purchase and shipped via DHL to Canada. This is a bit pricy, so make sure you order everything you need in one go! The decals are as good as anything GW can do and the pigments are strong enough that the underlying colour doesn't bleed through.
The squad painted up fairly quickly, so I hope to have a bunch of these guys done by the end of the year.
Thanks for visiting!
Wow, I've just spent some minutes looking at the pics and specifically that color, I totally love it. I'd love to see some more stuff and how it looks on larger surfaces. Go hit some vehicles!
Yeah, the colours and paint job are very striking.
Great work on the core color for these guys Mike - they look fantastic.
I like the look of these guys, nice work. We need to get a Badab War game in sometime - I have Howling Griffons of course! Sigmar VI Insurgency anyone??
It just occured to me watching your miniatures that the Badad War is a great setting to play with "Firstborn" Space Marines in M41, right before the Primaris step in. Thanks for the inspiration!
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