Some AT18 painting - another Cerastus Knight Lancer and a new carapace weapon for a Reaver Titan. |
In my last post about painting, I mentioned I was staying in 10mm, and I sort of consider the new
Adeptus Titanicus model range from GW to be 10mm-ish...at any rate, after finishing those few small Prussians, my brushes have returned to Adeptus Titanicus subjects for the past couple of weeks. Here is a Cerastus Knight and a Warp Missile Rack for the carapace mount of a Reaver Titan.
Cerastus Knight
The Cerastus Knight is one of the newer models GW have released for their
Adeptus Titanicus re-boot ("AT18"). When it comes to the "fluff" of the story, the Knights are not of great interest to me, but the models are really lovely and the Knights can play an important role in the game. This specific Knight will join
two I painted earlier this year to form a full-strength banner of Cerastus Lancers.
This may shock you... |
Each Cerastus Knight seen here carriers a shock lance and an "Ion Gauntlet" (a power fist for Knights, essentially). They are intended for close combat on the AT18 table. They are able to move fast and if they survive to get close to their opposition, the shock lances could deliver a nasty surprise to even the mighty Warlord Titans. They will also do well putting a beating on banners of opposing Questoris Knights.
I can't say enough about the excellent decal sheets GW has released for AT18. They are very nice, and really help finish a model, especially the Knights, which are often sporting heraldry of their various "houses". |
There are other weapons available, in theory, for the Cerastus Knight chassis, but for now the shock lance and ion gauntlet are the only models out there. I assume the flame cannon and bolt cannon variants will arrive as either separate model sets, or as upgrades from Forge World.
The Ion Shield, which is capable of delivering a short-range "shock blast". |
The shock lance...another short-range weapon, but can be very deadly on the table if the Knight is in the right position... |
My loyalists now have the support of two different Knight banners - these fellows, and a full strength banner of
six Questoris Knights.
Warp Missile Rack
GW's support for AT18 has been
hit-and-miss, but they are gradually releasing a greater variety of weapons for the Titans in the game. Selecting different weapons load-outs for your Titans was always a fun aspect of the original Adeptus Titanicus game - and while the new Reaver kits at least have a touch of variety in their weapon loadouts, Forge World has augmented the choice out there (for a price, of course) by releasing Warp Missile Racks designed to fit the carapace weapon mount on Reaver Titans.
A one-shot deal, mounted in the carapace mount of a Legio Gryphonicus Reaver Titan. |
The Warp Missile is a fun, whacky, weapon. Basically the missile flies at the enemy Titan, goes briefly into the warp in order to avoid any void shields, then returns from the warp just in time to hit the target Titan. In essence, this weapon gives you a chance to land a critical hit on an enemy God-engine even while your target's void shields are in rude health. Yikes! This weapon has a lot of disruptive potential - I look forward to seeing the players try it out on the table!
Another view of the Warp Missile Rack. The missile itself can be removed to show it has been fired (and presumably has caused trouble for the Warmaster's minions...). |
While I am not hobby-savvy enough to figure out how to magnetize the arm weapons on my Reaver Titans, it is very easy to magnetize the carapace weapons, and so it is easy to swap out the Apocalypse Launcher and/or Laser Blaster to mount this thing on top.
Reaver Titan and Cerastus Lancer banner - you can see the Cerastus Knights are pretty tall for Knights (it's all relative in the grim darkness of the far future). |
There is a nice variety of weapons available out there now for your Titans. They are not cheap to acquire, and GW has managed to package this in a fashion that brings to mind the ridiculous process TV signal-sellers use to flogging channel packages, but they are out there now, and even seem to be in supply. As I said above, choosing weapon loadouts is, for me, part of the fun, so I hope to share some more progress on different weapons for my Titans soon. And, of course, more Titans at some point...
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