Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rogue Trader Bonus Content!

Just wanted to add some bonus content to Greg's excellent RT battle report.  Above is a group portrait of my "Red Star" Ork army, prominently featuring the Red Barun, of course ;-)

Here are Greg's very well done Guardsmen.  I particularly like the conversion to "new style" lasguns.  The old flashlights never did it for me but the new ones look fantastic.

Here's a manky old wreck of a Predator I picked up on the weekend from a local shop.  I had some plans to incorporate it into my Ork army as a "looted vehicle".

And after an evening's work... the corrugated stuff is some textured plasticard I had laying around from a previous project.

And lastly... a video walk-around of the table from last week's game, filmed from a conveniently placed flying servitor skull of the Adeptus Mechanicus...


Greg B said...

Love the looted vehicle - particularly the "trophy pole" accessory - perfect for Ork leaders...

Dallas said...

I see I managed to get the Keystone beer can in the vid as well... :-)

"Hold my Stones!"

FrederickC said...

The use of corrugated iron as added armour is a nice touch on the looted tank. Apparently the Canadian Grenadier Guards used some of that on their Sherman tanks during WW2 as well. The links below show some photos.



Dallas said...

I knew it! Canadians are Orks! ;-)

Mike A said...

Looking at your Orks Dallas, I think I need to dig mine out. I have a whack of them that Kevin Holland painted back in the day. Both armies look great. Cheers.

Mike A said...

Hey Dallas. I was speaking with Dave V. tonight and he mentioned that you might be looking for some more Rogue Trader era Orks. I have a fair bit, some painted but most are only primed. If your interested, drop me a line at nocturnus@shaw.ca

Dallas said...

Sounds great Mike, email sent... if I accumulate enough of the little blighters I might even be able to field a 5th edition 40K Ork army ;-)

slobberblood said...

I have a huge collection of circa 1980's Citadel figures including over 100 old Guard metal and plastic figures. But unfortunately that are still painted from the 1980's. :) I would love to strip my figures and follow your lead! Great job!