High Elf heroes for "Warmaster" - 3D prints, mostly designed by Forest Dragon. |
My sixth submission to Curt's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge was modest, featuring a small collection of High Elf heroes in 10mm size, mounted on round bases to serve as characters/heroes for the game "Warmaster". These are 3d prints, most of them (although not all) designed by the amazing "Forest Dragon". There is a mix of warrior-type heroes and mages, a cadre ready to lead a High Elf army into battle on the table.
Valiant mounted High Elf warrior, leading the cavalry to battle! |
"Warmaster" is one of the very best "specialist" games GW ever released - the bones of those rules went on to serve as a foundation for a number of very, very popular rules. Plus, they are just great to play on their own. Those rules are so awesome in terms of how to mix the actions of the different troop types, of heroes and of magic. Heroes and magic have an impact, but cannot carry things on their own - but for all that, you can have a lot of fun with the hero figures!
When you have the right sceptre, one can read AND ride into battle! |
GW's original line of metal 10mm figures for Warmaster were incredible, and for the most part are now very hard to come by. But holy smokes, have the 3d printer ever filled the void! Not only can you find equivalents...the current 3d prints are functionally even better IMO. These character figures are all 10mm, but they are just...they are amazing! All sorts of wonderful little details one can take a stab at with their brushes!
A mounted "not-Tyrion" - another fine 3d print! |
Does 3d printing have ANY weaknesses? Well...these resin figures do kinda maybe break if you drop them on the floor...one can say that about ANY figures, I suppose, but there have been, let's call it, "V2 requirements" after encounters with the hardwood floor in my house. No matter how much I swear, it seems you can't always fix broken figures...but here we have, at last, a group of non-damaged 3d prints!! Re-painting broken 3d prints is
Floating on a cloud, but carrying a flaming sword...ready for whatever comes up! |
I have strips and strips of 3d-printed High Elf infantry and cavalry waiting for their turn under my brushes...one of the 10 "top priorities" I had lined up for this edition of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. Will they get any paint this year? We'll see...but I'm glad to get these heroes finished off at last.
This fellow could be a mage, or some kind of sword-master type hero as well. |
That's it for submission six - as ever, thanks for reading, and remember to check out the AHPC XV main pages for all the latest work!
Those are gorgeous. I'm sitting right on the edge of 10mm fantasy. It could easily suck me in when I see work like this. Great job!
Awesome work here dude! The colours are great!
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