I opened the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge with an entry just in under the free-fire wire. This is a bunch of models I started before the Challenge so they're suitable for the first
Circle - Limbo.
Earlier last year I spotted a smokin' deal on Warlord Winter Soviets from Meeplemart - it was like $100 less than the price on the Warlord Games website. So as with many hobby projects it started with a "great deal" :-)
Anyway the box came with a plastic KV-1/2 model tank, 80 infantry, and some HQ/mortar/Maxim HMG models. As the first tranche for the Challenge I've painted 40 infantry, a metal Maxim HMG, and one of the HQ models. Colour scheme mirrors the one on the Warlord site. GW Zandri Dust [or Vallejo Khaki) washed Agrax Earthshade for the uniforms, black with Vallejo Dark Rubber for the boots, Celestra Grey washed Nuln Oil for the scarves, Doombull Brown for the belts and leatherwork. Some of the webbing was highlighted with a lighter khaki tone. I'm painting on an assembly line here so not a ton of extra detail.
This chap with the Molotov cocktail is definitely my favourite but one is probably enough for the platoon :-) Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of multipart plastic models but the Warlord ones are tolerable, if you can get them at a deep discount like I did. At regular price it's $68USD for 40 models and at those prices I would buy metal models from Crusader or someone like that.
But if you get 'em cheap they're OK, even though they have separate arms and weapons. I really prefer the weapons molded onto the arms for ease of assembly and good looks. But these went together mostly OK and look good when painted. Next I'll do another MMG, the mortar, and some command I think.
Look out for more frozen Russkies!
1 comment:
Just embarking on Sovs myself (I got offered a “great deal” just before Christmas so that’s what I’m collecting!) so thanks for the tip - I’ve got half an old can of Zandri Dust here so it looks like that’s what they will be wearing 😀
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