Sunday, January 28, 2024

AHPC Submission #3 - Space Marine Contemptor Dreadnought

U mad bro?

We all have "issues", right? Well, so does this fellow, my third submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. This is a Space Marine "Contemptor" class dreadnought - dozens have appeared in this blog over the years, so nobody will be surprised to see it. It is a 28mm resin model from Forge World, sporting the custom markings of the XVI Legion Astartes, the Sons of Horus. This is an old Forge World model, repainted with my up-to-date recipe for the Sons of Horus armour scheme in order to more properly match my recent models and soothe the screaming hobby OCD monkey that lives in my brain and will otherwise yell and throw things when I put mismatched paint schemes into the same collection.

The details on this custom dreadnought body were well sculpted...and little disturbing, but whatever...

These dreadnought chassis are means for badly wounded Space Marines to keep fighting. Severely wounded, maybe too wounded to continue, but still actually alive? No problem, just drop them into one of these things, and their service can continue. And continue. And continue...

Another view of one of the twin assault cannons the helps this Marine work through his emotional problems on the battlefield...

It is the kind of thing that might give anyone "issues", particularly Space Marines, and particularly those Space Marines serving the XVI Legion, who are known supposedly for already being violent grouches. You can see it in the custom iconography of the Legion on this dreadnought frame. Spikes and skulls you say? U mad bro?

I'm sure these skulls were attached for...good luck...yes..that's it...good luck...

Of course, whatever "issues" this fellow might have, he gets to vent his emotional energy on the battlefield, and I expect the twin rotary cannons really come in handy in that any rate,"Issues" here is ready to loyally serve the Warmaster in his mission to liberate humanity from the tyranny of the False Emperor on 30k gaming tables.  

Just some skulls on a chain. And some spikes. I'm sure everything is fine...

It's great to have this fellow "updated" - watch for more of this to happen (hopefully) during this edition of the AHPC. That's all for now - thanks for reading, and stay tuned!