Tuesday, October 17, 2023

30k in 15mm - More Imperial Fists

Defenders of The Emperor in 15mm - 3D prints courtesy of ByronM.

All of the great hobby settings are best explored in multiple scales...right? At any rate, here is another quick batch of 30k painting from early fall - these are 15mm sized Space Marines in Mark III armour, wearing the colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists. These are 3D prints from Byron. 

Melta gunner ready to provide some extra firepower up close...

I kicked this sort-of-side-project-that-is-still-really-fun effort in the summer. The "case for 15mm" is well known to most hobbyists - the size allows for a reasonable amount of detail on the models, while providing for much more room to engage on a 6' x 4' wargaming table. This is of particular value in a setting like GW's Horus Heresy, as the "Age of Darkness" is filled with tales of rather large battles that become quite the slog when one tries to recreate even part of them on a 6' x 4', or even 8' x 6' table - not that this stops us from trying...

Funky underslung missile launcher - this is a "Ryza Pattern", I believe...

Gaming this period in 15mm also allows for the weapon ranges to have a bit of a better "look" - all highly subjective, of course, but the 24" range of the basic bolt gun seems a little more appropriate at 15mm than 28mm. 

A view of the detail on the rear of the models.

This little group represents another Veteran Tactical Squad, the classic 10-man unit with a heavy weapon and special weapon. The 3D prints are a lot of fun to paint - they have nice little bits of detail, but not too many, and the shoulder plates offer just enough room for the small water-transfer decals which can be found on many (although sadly not all) of the GW Horus Heresy decal sheets.

Test model of the next phase of 15mm painting...

"Beakie" marines look great in all scales!

Byron has kindly printed a fresh bunch of 15mm 30k stuff for me - and I continue to pester him for more! I have some pictures here of a test model that will give you an idea of some of the 15mm stuff you might expect to see as we head into the late fall, and the next edition of Curt's Analogue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge approaches...

The latest 10-man squad gathers, ready for the defence of Terra!

Thanks for Byron for the awesome 3D prints. That is all for now - stay tuned for more!


Lasgunpacker said...

Those are great! 15mm/18mm is a great scale for 30k, and other games where you either want a ton of tanks, or a ton of terrain.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with the 8mm figures when the new version of Epic comes out...

Dallas said...

Excellent work here dude!!