Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sinister forces spotted....

What possible force on Earth could be more evil and sinister than Gordon Brown, Tony Hayward, Sepp Blatter and Glenn Beck put together? Why, the Dutch, of course...

We like to tease fellow Conscript Brian about his views on the Dutch, which are quite entertaining (Note - our enjoyment aside, he might be on to something. After all, who finds a way to lose a World Cup championship in a way that makes one of the most boring games in the world even sleepier - but I digress). I thought that we could capitalize on this by having the Dutch make an appearance in a 6mm WW3 game, so I threw together a couple of units that could be part of a NATO brigade.

The Dutch will have enough to make up a mechanized infantry battalion as well as a battalion of Leopard IIs. The Leos are some of the best tanks in Spearhead, so watch for the Dutch to dish out some serious abuse to the Soviets (or Putin's lackeys, depending on what era we go with) in our next WW3 game...

1 comment:

DaveV said...

Looking good there, Greg.