Thursday, October 5, 2023

Yet More Sisters of Battle!

So Conscript Mike F. has been posting about the new vehicles he's painting for his Gun Schwarm/40K Steel Legion, and this is troubling me somewhat. This is because we're gearing up for a 40K game in about two weeks pitting his Guard against my old-school Sisters of Battle army. What's making me nervous? Well, the Sisters, while full of faith and boltguns, lack any meaningful anti-tank capability (well unless you count Inferno pistols). So they may have a tough go against Mike's tanks. But I digress... 

Anyway I've painted 18 more Sisters (including two Sisters Superior) for the army, and this is the end of them. I have around 50 Sisters painted now and I think that's likely enough. 
The models are the old metal Sisters from 1996 or a bit later, like those I've painted dozens of before. I did give the girls different coloured hair and left the white bobs for the Sisters Superior.

There's one melta-gunner in the group. She'll be looked to for some support against Guard armour.
The gal biting the pin off the grenade is one of my favourite models in the group!

Anyway that's it for the Sisters for now. I'm going to try and get five more Seraphim painted for the game but faith will have to sustain us. Until then, may the light of the Emperor illuminate your path!

ps Sorry about the messed-up formatting but Blogger is being Blogger today :-|


Lasgunpacker said...

More great work!

Seems like you need some multi-meltas and/or Exorcists.

Dallas said...

I have an Exorcist painted (on the blog) and may order bits for another. Multi-meltas are great too but the range is so short... Inferno Pistols might work OK too wielded by Seraphim.

MFraser said...

Keep in mind that the tanks won’t be worth much if you barbecue all my guardsmen!

Dallas said...

I assume by "guardsmen" you mean "heretics and traitors" right? :-)

MFraser said...

Hey! I’ve heard about those late night pillow fights back at the sanctorum!

Curt said...

Fabulous work, Dallas!