The elite of the XIX Legion await the followers of Horus... |
We played a small game of 30k last week at Dallas' place. The scenario imagined the
Herald of the Warmaster was out making the rounds in some Imperial system, trying to put the facts straight about just what
really happened in the Isstvan system - "
Ignore the liberal bias in the mainstream news and astro-telepath channels! What can you expect from a publicly-funded and taxpayer-subsidized broadcaster like the Astronomican? They should just call it the Astronomiscam!" He had just completed a public appearance and was en route to his next stop when his party was waylaid by a hodge-podge assortment of loyalist bandits and Horus Denialists. Battle ensued!!
The table at turn one - the Rebel forces are deployed along the bottom of the photo, and would enter via that table edge. Their objective was to drop of the Herald of the Warmaster at the shuttle landing pad on the top left of the photo. Easy peasy, right? WRONG! |
A Slurm machine waits at the base of the landing pad to refresh thirsty shuttle crews |
The Sons of Horus had to punch through the loyalist battle line in order to get the Herald of the Warmaster to his shuttle on time so he could make his next public appearance! The escort certainly had the tools to do the job - a Land raider, two dreadnoughts, three Rhino APCs and an assortment of fun infantry (breacher marines, tactical support marines and a seeker squad). What could possibly go wrong?
Deadly Mor Deythan strike team prepares to take their shots |
Blood Drinkers with Volkite Calivers prepare a warm welcome |
Dallas did such a great job on this Land Raider - always great to see it on the table. Have to say, however, it is much more fun when I manage to kill it |
The loyalist cordon was thin, in my estimation. It had small elements from three different Legions, representing, to our minds, small detachments of survivors and detached-duty forces coming together to try and strike where they can to slow the Warmaster's gains. Whatever rivalries or jealousies which may have existed between these Legions no longer matter to these guys - what matters is finding a way to fight back! So tragic they could not channel this misplaced energy toward some constructive hope and change along with the Warmaster...
There were two small Mor Deythan squads from the Raven Guard, a tactical support squad, heavy support squad, a dreadnought, Land Raider, a laser destroyer on a tracked chassis from the Blood Drinkers company of the Ninth Legion, and a veteran squad of Space Wolves. An odd assortment of desperate and delusional warriors clinging to the existence of their so-called "Emperor".
Seeker Squad moving out. In the end all they would "seek" out was how to be ground into powder... |
Seeker squad on the move, covered by the twin Kheres cannons of a Contemptor Mortis dreadnought...man those things are deadly... |
It was a pretty small cordon - I doubted they were going to stop the Warmaster's Herald. But in the grim darkness of the far future, it can be a b*tch to connect with your next flight...
Loyalists move a Land Raider forward, and the cowardly pro-"Emperor" fools of course lurk in its shadow... |
Legionnaire "Davey Crockett" and a dreadnought ready to blast away at the Sons of Horus...this little cannon would take out my Land Raider - F@##!!!! |
Dallas and Indo took command of the loyalist side, while Mike F and I went with the devout and correct followers of the Warmaster. I was pretty confident. I mean, what could happen? Lose our Land Raider on the first turn to an amazing shot from the laser destroyer? How likely is that?
Sooo, anyway, it was not a smooth execution on the Rebels' part. No matter the efforts of our Kheres-pattern autocannons, plasma cannons, or Mike's hard-fighting breacher marines, our task force ended up as junk!
Starts to look ugly in the middle - note the crater at the top of the photo, where the Sons of Horus Land Raider once stood...without it the Rhinos were kind of screwed... |
A clash of Contemptor Dreadnoughts! Who would walk away the victor? Note the fallen breacher marine officer to the bottom left of the photo... |
The Loyalists systematically took us apart, and without our Land Raider, it was rather tough going. Sure, we pounded on a few units here and there, but overall we basically walked into a meat grinder - with the Space Wolves in particular extracting a rough toll, even if they lost quite a few squad members in the process. Mike's breachers and dreadnought made the most progress (getting bashed to pieces for their trouble). The Herald didn't make the shuttle. He didn't even make it out of his Rhino!
Not ones to wait around, the Space Wolf veterans charge straight at the Rhinos...a series of Krak grenades would sort the vehicles out before long... |
Oh man - Horus is going to the pretty
pissed that his Herald has been kidnapped by
loyalist Legiones Astrates pro-"Emperor" terrorists. I think the mission to recover him could make for an excellent scenario next time we play 30k. In a fit of pique, I can see Horus calling in some Alpha Legion troops to carry out the rescue, while he vents extreme displeasure at the flunkies in his own XVI Legion.
Alpha Legion on a rescue job. What could go wrong? I'm already looking forward to that!
Big thank you to Dallas for hosting, and to Mike and Indo for coming out to play. Thanks also to Dallas for providing most of these photos. Somehow I seem to take fewer photos when the Sons of Horus are getting creamed...