Tuesday, December 9, 2014

13th Annual Winnipeg Harvest Game Day - a Day of Good Cheer

Another year, another fun charity event completed.

Here's some of the mountain of goodies baked by owner Wendy Speary.

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Mike running some Warmachine action, with gingerbread steam engines (that the mechs ended up hurling at each other).

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Perry running a card game.

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Rick prepping for the Firefly RPG.

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As discussed last week, I ran a game of Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures.

My take on the Santa Claus (aka Darth Krampus) space sleigh, "Santa's Express" (the model below is a Hallmark Christmas tree ornament).

  • Captain Kagi — Lambda-Class Shuttle
  • Advanced Sensors
  • Ion Cannon
  • Darth Vader
  • Rebel Captive
  • Anti-Pursuit Lasers
  • ST-321


  1. Santa's Express will not attack another ship unless that ship targets it first.
  2. Santa's Express will not use its Primary Weapon unless its Ion Cannon is destroyed.
  3. "Darth Vader's" power simulates the pilot of the enemy ship being placed on Santa's "Naughty" list.
  4. The "Rebel Captive" simulates Santa's cargo of presents that no one really wants to destroy.
  5. The "Anti-Pursuit Lasers" simulate the feedback caused by colliding with Santa's sleigh.

Below, Conscript Frederick setting up some Imperial TIE Fighters.

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One of the gingerbread docking bays that Wendy graciously made; Darth Krampus was heading for one of these...

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First Blood to the Rebels! All the ships that got shot down re-spawned in their respective setup area.

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Santa's Express running a gauntlet of X-Wing fire.

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Jek "I've got a problem here" Porkins bites the dust.

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Darth Krampus kept colliding into TIE Fighters; it was only a matter of time before the Rebel X-Wings disabled his ship.

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Below, the players, from L-R: Matt, Paul, Graham, Bruce, and Frederick.

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Thanks again to Wendy and Pedro, and all the staff at Imagine for hosting the event. Thanks to everyone who came out to play!

For a list of the most-needed food items at Winnipeg Harvest, please see their website.


Simon Quinton said...

Great looking games and looks like you had a blast. mmmmm gingerbread hungry now.

Dallas said...

"Darth Krampus" - nice!

Greg B said...

Well done Dave!