Thursday, June 4, 2020

Star Wars: Legion - Family Feud


Game 3 in my ongoing solo play testing of Star Wars: Legion, in anticipation of future games with  The Fawcett Avenue Conscripts. Again, I used version 1.1 of Crabbok's AI rules [ ] to run the Imperial side.

Leia, recovered from the first game, led newly-minted Jedi Knight Luke and some Fleet and Rebel Troopers in facing off against an Imperial Officer, leading Darth Vader and several Stormtroopers. The Imperials were given an extra unit, the speeder bikes, plus a few upgrades, to compensate for being run by the AI card deck,

Both sides were trying to recover key intelligence from a downed command AT-AT Walker. There were three objectives on the table that a unit's leader had to be in contact with at the end of the game to score. The AT-AT and starfighter models are 3D prints from Legion Terrain.



Imperials (Run by AI card deck):
Imperial Officer (50 + 12 = 62)
- Emergency Stims (12)

Darth Vader (Operative) (170 + 19 = 189)
- Force Choke (5), Force Reflexes (10), Tenacity (4)

Stormtroopers (44 + 43 = 87)
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24), FX-9 Medical Droid (19)

Stormtroopers (44 + 49 = 93)
- RT-97C Stormtrooper (26), Stormtrooper Specialist (15), Electrobinoculars (8)

Stormtroopers (44 + 50 = 94)
- T-21 Stormtrooper (27), Stormtrooper Captain (15), Electrobinoculars (8)

74-Z Speeder Bikes (75 + 0 = 75)

Total: 600 points

Leia Organa (90 + 0 = 90)

Luke Skywalker (Operative) (200 + 29 = 229)
- Force Push (10), Force Reflexes (10), Jedi Mind Trick (5), Offensive Push (4)

Rebel Troopers (40 + 22 = 62)
- Z-6 Trooper (22)

Rebel Troopers (40 + 22 = 62)
- Z-6 Trooper (22)

Fleet Troopers (44 + 11 = 55)
- Fleet Trooper (11)

Total: 498 points

Commands: Son of Skywalker (1), Coordinated Bombardment (1), No Time for Sorrows (2), Full of Surprises (2), I am a Jedi (3), Somebody Has to Save Our Skins (3), Standing Orders (4)


Both sides set up in large, L-shaped deployment zones centered on opposite table corners. Luke and most of the Rebels moved towards their own left flank, while Leia and a squad held the middle. Vader and the bikes moved to the center, and the three Stormtrooper squads moved kinda towards the three objectives.




The Imperials were wrong footed when they lost a Stormtrooper squad and the scout bikers early on.





Vader confronted Luke and the Fleet Troopers, and almost succeeded in carrying that flank all by himself. He couldn’t quite stand up to both massed blaster fire and Luke's repeated lightsaber assaults. Luke's abilities to Disengage allowed him to leap in and out of hand to hand, and his use of  Jedi Mind Trick causing an extra 2 Suppression per activation helped shut down Vader's action efficiency. Meanwhile, Leia supported the troops with Dodge counters and sniped Stormtroopers.

At one point Vader had 9(!) Suppression counters on him, and Leia was holding off a Stormtrooper squad all by herself!







Overwhelmed, the Imperials only managed to seize one objective, to the Rebels’ two.


When the smoke finally cleared, Leia and Luke could not find any trace of their Sith patriarch...



I have prepared army lists and plans for the next, fourth game in this narrative campaign play-test. This will involve Boba Fett as an Operative for the Imperial side, hunting for Han and Chewie on a Scarif-like beach table.
