Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tornado Warning!

Something completely different done on a whim... it's back to Team Yankee and the Bundesluftwaffe. Long version: Conscript Greg was planning a visit to the Meeplemart and I noted that they had the "new" Team Yankee Tornado flight in plastic, in stock, for the very reasonable price of $35CAD (as opposed to the old resin aircraft that were an extortionate $53 for two). I thought I might ask Greg to get these for me, but I already have one painted Tornado... and there's no need to have three. However I'd had a Revell plastic Tornado kit on my eBay watchlist for some time and this was the prompt to finally buy it, for well under $20 shipped. 

So last week the kit arrived and was quickly assembled. I left off some of the bits specific to the "ECR" version and built it identical to its squadron mate already in my collection.

Painting was pretty simple - it's a three colour scheme - I just copied it from the plane I'd painted before. However I just tried to look up "Wings Palette" where I'd sourced the scheme in the first place... and nothing - the site seems to be defunct. Too bad as it was an amazing resource for aircraft color schemes :-(

Anyway the Luftwaffe Tornados are in a three-colour scheme - I painted this in black highlighted Dark Rubber; Castellan Green; and Castellan Green highlighted Death World Forest; the whole thing then washed with Nuln Oil. 

Here it is with its squadron-mate, not a bad match despite the fact I had failed to record the colours used on it. Happy to finish the second Tornado to join the first, and that'll complete the Bundeswehr's air support for Team Yankee.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

More 15mm 30k

"So...who gets to go first?"

My somewhat quixotic 15mm 30k project is continuing, with a couple of new additions to the lineup. On the rebel side we have a trusty Contemptor Dreadnought, combining significant firepower with impressive "punch stuff in the face" capabilities which appear to really come in handy that far in the future. The loyalist side, meanwhile, benefits from a heavy support group rocking out with some autocannons. 

Contemptor Dreadnought

Contemptor Dreadnought in 1/100. 3d printed.

Conscript ByronM continues to find the best STLs and manages to scale them "just right" for printing in the 15mm size-1/100 scale used for this project. The models come out lovely, and paint up very nice. I had a couple of different heavy weapon arms to choose from, but the assault cannon is a favourite, and seems just right for the first dreadnought into the collection lineup for this scale.

Ready to punch people and things...

No doubt the nearly-killed-but-not-dead marine inside this Dreadnought frame will fight hard on behalf of his Warmaster in the hopes of bringing positive change to a galaxy threatened by the tyranny of the so-called "Emperor". 

Also ready to shoot people and things...

These 3d prints have very nice details and are just a lot of fun to paint. Just need to find an STL for the Deredeo class dreadnoughts now...
View of the low-carbon emission system - after all, the XVI Legion believes in "the green transition", so to speak...

Heavy Support Squad

Heavy support squad, ready to lay down supporting fire.

The loyalist bit of my 15mm 30k forces get a nice boost in the form of a heavy support squad equipped with autocannons. While these weapons do not do too much to heavy vehicles, they are very effective at damaging lighter vehicles and enemy infantry. This group will lay down impressive covering fire for Rogal Dorn's VII Legion Astartes lackies.

Hope they have a lot ammo in those packs....

The "beakie" Space Marine is a classic look, no matter the scale, and these 15mm fellows do not disappoint. They are a treat to paint up too, a fun little "palette cleanser" between projects. The whacky autocannons add to the aura, with the long barrels, oversized packs and heavy ammunition belts. 

Officers gets the classic red stripe on the helmet...

In order to take on enemy vehicles, a bit more higher-order firepower will be required. In particular I expect that will come from...other vehicles. So watch this space for more on that later this year!

Thank goodness for the smaller legion symbols being available as decals...I don't have huge numbers of them around, but enough to equip a couple more infantry units...

Will these guys ever get into a game? Well, I really have no idea...I mean, I hope they will, and in the fullness of time I'm sure I'll concoct some way to get them on to a gaming table (even if it means they all get crammed into a suitcase for a flight back to Winnipeg for a game with the Conscripts). But I do love the idea of 15mm size 30k gaming, so there will definitely continue to be some more 3d prints under the brushes in the coming months. 

That's it for now - back to the other 30k scales/sizes for a bit, I expect. Thanks for reading! 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Some More Otherworld Fantasy Models

Continuing to get ready for PrairieCon in two weeks' time and keeping those brushes moving... I'd put in an order with Otherworld Miniatures and have gotten a few done. Here they are: two Barbed Devils and a Griffon.

Right outta the Monster Manual eh!! These are some very characterful - but delicate - models. The one at right needed his arms and head attached, the one at left had a separate barbed tail. Easy to assemble.

The Griffon is really a lovely model. It came with separate wings but again, was a doddle to assemble.

Keep your equines well clear of this fellow, Griffons love nothing more than a meal of horseflesh! 

These were really fun to paint, certainly well up to the usual standard of Otherworld. Great minis from a great company. Plus these were on sale!

Anyway that's it for now, we'll see if I can get some more fantasy models painted before PrairieCon!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Barbarian and Some Space Wolves!

Back at the brushes after a little time off. I thought I should paint a new model or two for the Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish dungeon-crawl game I'll be running at PrairieCon 43 in Brandon later this month. This is the barbarian from FGV201 - Thief and Barbarian, sculpted by Mark Copplestone for the Frostgrave range.

It's a really nice model, typical Copplestone quality, and metal of course. I had to put him on a 32mm base as he was just too wide-stanced for a 25mm round.

Every adventuring party needs a barbarian with a giant sword and this guy is just about right.

The other models I finished last weekend were these Heresy-era Space Wolves - the Praetor from the Betrayal at Calth box, and five legionaries from the new MKIII box.

The Praetor came in for some minor conversion - I stuck on a Space Wolves decoration from the accessory sprue and sculpted long hair and a beard from greenstuff, as there are no clean-shaven Space Wolves are there!

This is a really nice model, the SW accessory looks sharp too I think.

I quite like the new MKIII Marines, these ones have had their helmets swapped for old-style ones 3D-printed for me by Conscript Byron.

The paint scheme will be standard Space-Wolf issue: basecoat Mechanicus Standard Grey, wash with Agrax Earthshade, heavy highlight with Fenris Grey, wash with Nuln Oil, highlight Fenris Grey again. The armour trim is Scorpion Brass.

Decals are from the Forgeworld Space Wolves transfer sheet.

Shoulder pad is basecoated Zandri Dust and highlighted with Averland Sunset, then washed with Agrax.

Now to paint 25 more of these guys...