Monday, June 26, 2023

Sisters of Battle: Four Characters

The Sisters production keeps coming thick and fast - this is a project I'm really enjoying. So after painting a squad of Battle Sisters, I've turned to a few characters to keep things rolling along. Here we have (L to R) Uriah Jacobus, "Bernadette, Mother Superior" from, a Dialogus, and an Hospitaller, these last both from the old GW metal range.

Starting off with Mr. Jacobus... this is an Ecclesiarchal Missionary of the most zealous (and seasoned) variety. Ol' Uriah is known as "Protector of the Faith" and not without good reason... "as stubborn as a mule (and some say as mad), his talent for bringing lost worlds back into the fold of Imperium rule is unsurpassed" (quoth the Sisters of Battle codex). Decals from the Adepta Sororitas and Witch Hunters sheets came in very handy on the banner.
I picked this model up second-hand and it's entirely possible that his original backpack has been replaced (I seem to recall it would've had a chainsword attached to it) but no matter, this one works fine.
Next up, the Dialogus. Along with the Hospitaller, these Sisters belong to non-miltant orders, seconded to a Canoness as advisors and specialists. The Dialogus is a skilled orator whose voice (amplified through the "laud hailer" she carries) inspires her battle sisters to astounding feats. Although it's been slated by some critics, I really like this model. The scriptures are decals from the old Witch Hunters transfer sheet.

I hand-lettered the script on the back, though.

This is the Hospitaller, basically the army's equivalent of a medic. She carries "chirurgeon's tools" and has the expertise to expertly wield them - you can see a bonesaw at her right wrist (!).

The last model in this group is "Mother Superior Bernadette" from This is a Czech concern that I've ordered lots of conversion bits from. It's a multi-part resin model with some metal parts as well, and of course (because I can't leave well enough alone) I converted it using an old RTB-01 Space Marine boltgun (I didn't like the kit bolter).

Here's a better view of that wicked boltgun. I also used some decals from the Adepta Sororitas transfer sheet on the shoulder parchment.

This was a pretty fun model to paint and as you can see, it fits the Sisters aesthetic very well indeed - in fact, with the exception of the backpack, this could've been an official GW sculpt. I especially like the face on this model - not over the top at all, but just a determined looking woman with a great hairstyle.

These four fill out the HQ slot fairly well, I'll have to consider what's up next on the painting desk. Fortunately there's still a lot to choose from! 

So till next time, be pure, be vigilant... BEHAVE!


  1. Great work as usual on this project Dallas. These are all excellent figures, and the paint work it top notch, as usual. I'm with you on the "Dialogus" - that is a great figure, and would be excellent as an objective for a game, or just an enhancement for any sort of Imperial command cadre, Sisters of Battle or otherwise...

    Now you really need a Crusade for this lot to jet off on in the galaxy...

  2. Wonderful work on those classic figures.

  3. Terrific stuff, Dallas. I've always liked the Dialogus as well. Very good for those 'daemonic cleanup in aisle 12' situations. Also like the old school bolter add for the last Sister. Nice one.
