Friday, June 30, 2023

Back to the Steel Legion

 With the Bretonnians complete, I decided to continue on with my Steel Legion “GunSchwarm” 40k army. With Dallas chugging along on his SoB it seemed fitting to join him in some retro 40k. We made a plan to each have a sizeable army ready for a game in October. Some guard on sister action! 😳 With the new 40k 10th edition, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to play…5th edition! Sorry GW, I never played a single game of 9th and I’m not interested in following you down this 40k death spiral you're on!

To kick off the new project, here are some guardsmen.

Ogryns are next!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. That green and red-brown colour scheme is very nice; I may have to pinch that.

  2. Great work Mike, the figures look awesome.

  3. The models look great man. What colours did you use for the gloves and leather work? Those look particularly good.

  4. Rhinox, Doombull and tuskgore fur washed with Agrax. I still have a few pots of original Agrax!

    1. A few pots?!?!? You are one of the richest men in the world then!
