Monday, June 19, 2023

Sisters Squad, Standard Bearer and Preacher!

Another week and another bunch of Sisters of Battle completed! This week it was a 10-Sister squad, standard bearer, and Ministorum Preacher. All old-school metal models of course.

First up, the squad of Battle Sisters, led by the best Sister Superior ever. I love this model.

I decided on a colour change for the grenades carried by these Sisters, from now on they'll be Castellan Green highlighted Deathworld Forest. A bit of contrast to all the red.

Here's another great metal model - the Celestian Standard Bearer (as it was then called). Now they call 'em "Imagifiers" which confounds me somewhat, as the generation of models after this one were called "Imagifers" (note no second "i"). This rather made sense as it hearkens back to the ancient Roman legions and their imagifers (sometimes "imaginifers") who carried the standard bearing an image of the Emperor. Nowadays of course, the Adepta Sororitas don't have banners; they have Sisters carrying holy relics - Saint on a Stick.

In any case, I went old-school with this one. The obverse of the standard appeared in the 2004-05 Games Workshop Catalog and Hobby Reference (and I think in a Sisters of Battle codex before that?); I scanned it, then put it into a Word doc and flipped the image. Voila, now we have the reverse of the banner. I glued the two together, wrapped it around the staff, and I think it looks pretty good.

Lastly we have the Ministorum Preacher. Remarkably, you can still buy this model from GW in metal (he's called "Preacher with Chainsword") for a mere $26 CAD; this one I got in a trade. But I am sorely tempted to pick up the "Missionary with Chainsword" for the same price, now that is a cool model too.

This one will be a good addition to the Sisters army, especially when considering the next unit that's on the way to me from an eBay seller in Yellowknife... more metals, this time still in the box. Stay tuned...


  1. Fantastic work on this project Dallas. "Imagifers" for the win...but wow, you can feel the faith! The whole collection really projects that drive and energy...well done.

  2. Really nicely done! Love the banner especially.

  3. Good work as usual. I've been painting campaign badges on my old models again. I've also been adding tufts to the bases then after that it will be back to new models, new knee pads, and likely rearranging squads yet again for tenth edition. The icon bearers are now junior HQ again for me, just like in second edition, so after painting one per squad, I think I can field three period in my whole army. Oh well, I have lots of models I can't use but I have more that I can and it'll just be a kick in the pants to get painting, even bought a new model today at the Sentry Box. New to me at least, it has probably been out years.
