Monday, May 13, 2024

Some More Otherworld Fantasy Models

Continuing to get ready for PrairieCon in two weeks' time and keeping those brushes moving... I'd put in an order with Otherworld Miniatures and have gotten a few done. Here they are: two Barbed Devils and a Griffon.

Right outta the Monster Manual eh!! These are some very characterful - but delicate - models. The one at right needed his arms and head attached, the one at left had a separate barbed tail. Easy to assemble.

The Griffon is really a lovely model. It came with separate wings but again, was a doddle to assemble.

Keep your equines well clear of this fellow, Griffons love nothing more than a meal of horseflesh! 

These were really fun to paint, certainly well up to the usual standard of Otherworld. Great minis from a great company. Plus these were on sale!

Anyway that's it for now, we'll see if I can get some more fantasy models painted before PrairieCon!

1 comment:

  1. Great work on these guys Dallas, I'm sure they will look awesome on the table at Prairiecon!
