Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Barbarian and Some Space Wolves!

Back at the brushes after a little time off. I thought I should paint a new model or two for the Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish dungeon-crawl game I'll be running at PrairieCon 43 in Brandon later this month. This is the barbarian from FGV201 - Thief and Barbarian, sculpted by Mark Copplestone for the Frostgrave range.

It's a really nice model, typical Copplestone quality, and metal of course. I had to put him on a 32mm base as he was just too wide-stanced for a 25mm round.

Every adventuring party needs a barbarian with a giant sword and this guy is just about right.

The other models I finished last weekend were these Heresy-era Space Wolves - the Praetor from the Betrayal at Calth box, and five legionaries from the new MKIII box.

The Praetor came in for some minor conversion - I stuck on a Space Wolves decoration from the accessory sprue and sculpted long hair and a beard from greenstuff, as there are no clean-shaven Space Wolves are there!

This is a really nice model, the SW accessory looks sharp too I think.

I quite like the new MKIII Marines, these ones have had their helmets swapped for old-style ones 3D-printed for me by Conscript Byron.

The paint scheme will be standard Space-Wolf issue: basecoat Mechanicus Standard Grey, wash with Agrax Earthshade, heavy highlight with Fenris Grey, wash with Nuln Oil, highlight Fenris Grey again. The armour trim is Scorpion Brass.

Decals are from the Forgeworld Space Wolves transfer sheet.

Shoulder pad is basecoated Zandri Dust and highlighted with Averland Sunset, then washed with Agrax.

Now to paint 25 more of these guys...


  1. I really like the brass trim with that dark grey/blue armour.

  2. Great work on these fellows Dallas! That barbarian will be useful in clearing out any dungeon. I think the same can be said for the armour barbarians with the bolt guns too :)
