Friday, January 4, 2019

Team Yankee: Five More T-64s and the Soviets Are Done!

So, as the last of the Soviet T-64s are done, I thought I'd post some pics of them!

What can I say about Battlefront's plastic tanks? They're absolutely top-notch. I thought I'd throw on some mine ploughs on a couple of the models as they sometimes come in handy!

The T-64 is just wicked looking.

Here's the whole tank battalion. Fifteen T-64s with a motor rifle company (12 BMP-2s). Support comes from a battery of Acacia SP guns and two Hind attack helicopters. Air defense is provided by two ZSU-23-4 Shilkas.


Motor Rifle Company


Mil Mi-24 Hind

2S3 Acacia

Whew! Quite a bit of work in there, but certainly an adequate Soviet force for most of the games we'd play. I was lucky to find a Krylon camouflage spray paint that worked perfectly for the Soviet vehicles, but sadly it seems to be discontinued. Good thing I've got this stuff painted!


  1. They look awesome, Dallas. I miss that Kyrlon colour range as well....

  2. As Curt says... Awesome.

    Can't wait to see this arsenal of communist aggression smiting the forces of capitalism...

    or.. whatever...

  3. Oh YEAH! Can’t wait to tangle with these fellows...
