Saturday, January 5, 2019

Imperial Militia

I've just started painting a new army for Horus Heresy based on the Imperial Militia & Cults army list. I'm using Anvil Industry's regiments for the infantry which are absolutely fantastic models. They are also fairly expensive and not really a cheap alternative to Forge World. The army is based on the Inferalti Hussars which are briefly mentioned in the novel, Praetorian of Dorn and are described as an elite unit that has been tasked with defending Pluto. They are described as having red and white carapace armor. This unit is the 'Reconnaissance Squad' and have all been given sniper rifles. The majority of the models in the army have heavier armor plates on the legs and arms and a fully enclosed helmet. Rules wise the army can be given Provenances which are basically army wide special rules. The 'survivors of the dark age' is pretty cool as it gives an armor bonus to all grenadier units giving them a 3+ save. They can also be given rhinos and Land Raiders as transports. The army operates quite a bit differently from the solar auxilia and lack a lot of their fancier equipment and transports, but the customization potential is massive.