Monday, September 3, 2012

The Unthinkable, part 2

That's right, not only have I desecrated a twenty-year-old Warhammer 40K blister pack, I've converted one of the figures!!! I really didn't need another captain, but my Howling Griffons do need a bearer for the battle Company Standard, so I cut off the power sword and added a banner staff. I think I'll enlist Conscript Brian (in his guise as proprietor of Vaubanner Graphics) to create a suitable standard.

I had to do some greenstuff work on the Librarian too, as his sword was miscast. I guess there's no complaining to GW for quality control issues on models this old, is there?

Oh, and are Space Marine Librarians always supposed to have blue power armour? I'm about to hit the books to research this... nothing in Chapter Approved: The Book of the Astronomican, but I'll also check the 40K Compendium and Compilation. Oh, and the Internet too, if it comes to that ;-) 


  1. Burn the heretic! ;0)

    Great to see some love put in these old miniatures, no point leaving them in the blister

  2. From what I've seen of people's Rogue Trader era miniatures, they all seem to, even if it's not written-down official.

  3. That conversion is very effective, Dallas. I look forward to seeing the banner that Brian comes up with.

    Why did they insist on Chapter 'Librarians' in the first place? Like really. We know that its the ARCHIVISTS that have all the dark secrets and power. Librarians? Phuh... lightweights. Might as well give him a bun, horn-rimmed glasses and a pencil behind an ear...

    1. Not sure that really works for me on a Space Marine, but you may be onto something with a Sisters of Battle Librarian...

  4. I have some 20 year old blisters. I open one on occasion. I also convert OOP miniatures as I want my army to be unique and every model to be unique.

  5. I just painted up that Librairian. The notches in the sword are supposed to be there, believe it or not..

  6. From what I remember, GW didn't apply the "blue armour for librarians, red for Techmarines" until 2nd Edition.

    They just had their wierd horned skull pauldrons and Force weapons to denote their filthy mutie status.

    Love the thin, tall banner pole. Fits so much better than those GW models on their current range.

  7. @dylangould

    by Jove, you're right... just checked my old catalog and the sword IS supposed to have those weird notches on the back side. Oh well.


    You're correct as well. Just consulted the old "Space Marine Painting Guide" and it confirms that the Index Astartes (as observed by the Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Space Wolves and Salamanders, anyway) prescribes Chapter colours for the armour of Librarians.
