Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh No You Didn't

"Hand crafted in pewter" - that's the stuff!!
Took a day trip down to the States today (as you do on a long weekend) to pick up some motorcycle parts from the parcel place, and decided to poke around a bit to see what's what.

Visited the local independent Games Workshop stockist and the friendly chap asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. Why yes, I said, do you have any old or used 40K stuff? Like from the Rogue Trader era of the late '80s?

Friendly chap replied that indeed, he had a bin full of old blister packs, and would I care to take a look? Indeed!! So he brought out a large bin chock-full of OOP 40K goodness... Plaguebearers, Black Shadow Bike, Terminators, Chaos Renegades till Hell wouldn't have them all... unfortunately nothing was priced and he couldn't tell me what he wanted for 'em. Wanted to check eBay... bleurgh. So I picked my favourite pack and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Now the Howling Griffons have a Librarian, and I'm intending to convert the Captain into a standard bearer for them too. The pack was opened shortly after the picture was taken... I've now officially joined Conscript Greg as a MIP desecrator ;-)  But figures are made to be painted, right?


  1. Nice one! Did you offer him the price that was marked on the blister ;)

  2. Damn right Dallas, how much though, come on now you want to tell us?

  3. I paid the man fifteen United States dollars for the pack. Did I overpay? ;-)

  4. Outstanding. Welcome to the MIB desecration team. MIB is for comic book guy types....

  5. $15 is a fair price for unopened RT marines.

    Congrats sir. Might I suggest you go back and grab some more? :)

  6. As a Campbell speaking to a Ewen I think you paid far too much for those wee figures, laddie! Grind those ex-colonials - grind them!

  7. Such things were never meant to languish in their packaging! Look forward to seeing some paint on these chaps.
