Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Iron Warriors MK V Marines and Razorback Turret

So I've taken a mini-break from the Sisters of Battle (just a mini-break, mind) to work on some Iron Warriors for my Heresy force (which is already far too large, but whatever). This time around it's a ten-man squad of Space Marines in MK V ("Heresy") armour and a cool multi-melta Razorback turret from Wargame Exclusive.  

I really like the Heresy-armour Marines but have only painted a few of them, those are in my Blood Drinkers army. The "molecular bonding studs", modern Marine touches, and mix-n-match nature of the suits are appealing. To the latter point I've modelled the squad leader with arms, power fist, and bolt pistol from the MK IV plastic Space Marine sprue.

The models are in various "action poses with a couple even rushing forwards, which is cool. Parts fitment was very good.

The one thing I'm not a super-fan of though is the right shoulder pad. I prefer the pad to have an edge I can trim out in bronze, just for a bit of contrast. These plain ones are just OK.

Some cool poses eh? I also used bits from the MK IV sprues to add some pouches and grenades.


This is the "Imperial Melting Turret" conversion set from Wargame Exclusive. Pretty cool little kit, it comes in four parts, and includes two Gothic headlights too - I used those on my Sisters Rhinos.

The vibe though is much more 40K than 30K, with the creepy gun servitor. But if any of the Space Marine Legions would've hooked up Servitors to their Rhinos it would've been the Iron Warriors, so I suppose that's OK.

The turret fits onto a standard GW hatch mount. Unfortunately the plastic kit GW part didn't exactly fit my Forge World resin Deimos-pattern Rhino. Oh well. 

Pretty cool looking though even if the Servitor has to take care not to melt off the storm bolters!

Anyway that's it for now. Iron within, iron without!

1 comment:

  1. Can any 30k force really be "too large"?

    These look great Dallas! The gritty look you have for your Iron Warriors is a particularly great fit for the Mark V "heresy" armour pattern. Perturabo's chaps would absolutely make do with whatever was at hand, and make it work to boot!

    The "melting turret" also looks fantastic - great stuff.
