Friday, August 4, 2023

30k Imperial Fist Librarian

Stand by for good vibes! A loyalist librarian for the VII Legion Astartes - resin figure from Forge World.

Hello again! Finally able to get some pictures taken, and do a few posts about recent painting projects over the summer. The projects have almost all involved GW's "Age of Darkness" setting (no surprise there), and have focused on trying to beef up the loyalist side of my collection. Following the apothecary from a couple weeks ago, here we have a "Librarian Consul", a 28mm resin figure from Forge World, clad in Mark VI power armour and painted in the colours of the VII Legion Astartes, the Imperial Fists.

In the "Age of Darkness" setting, one does not require psychic powers to guess that the Warmaster was coming to attack Terra, but psychic powers would sure come in handy to try and slow him down once he shows up...the Librarian Consul is the authorized psyker of the Space Marine Legions, and is here to try and pitch in with that work.

Nice cloak? Spooky axe? An eerie book? This guy is ready for some warp-fuelled fun!

In the Horus Heresy setting, the loyalist side, having largely played along with The Emperor's edict banning the use of psykers, enters the fray without any formal "Librarius". The Warmaster's side recognized the Edict of Nikea for the silliness it was, and kept their psykers around on the down-low - even with the "example" that was made of Magnus and his Thousand Sons. Thus the unsuspecting loyalists were stunned not only by military setbacks, but by the rebel's use of warp-fuelled psychic abilities.

As they rallied to the defence, the loyalist side quickly reasoned they ALSO now needed to ignore The Emperor's edict, and the loyalist Legions quickly re-founded their "Librarius" sections. That is what we have here - a recently re-appointed psyker, authorized once again by Rogal Dorn to ply his craft in the defence of Terra. 

A lovely sculpt from the Forge World team. I really like the pose.

This model is faction-agnostic, but the look and feel generally fits in better with the loyalist side. There are the tools of the "psyker trade" - the force axe, the "psychic hood" built into the helmet, the fancy book strapped to his back. But the other, somewhat darker signs of deeper warp-practice are not there (as opposed to, for example, this other fellow).

In the Age of Darkness game, the Warmaster's side will generally have the edge when it comes to the warp, but this Librarian Consul can help to level the playing field a little bit, and help the Sons of Dorn hold back the tide of Horus and his rebellion just a little longer...that's all for now, thanks for visiting! Stay tuned for more summer painting to appear soon.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent looking Librarianist there dude! The blue and yellow scheme looks great.
