Friday, July 21, 2023

Warhammer 40K Inquisition Rhino

Sick of Sisters of battle yet? I'm not, but here's something a little different, although Sisters-adjacent - an Inquisition Rhino transport.

This is another rehab project, as alluded to in a previous Sisters post... I picked up a bunch of metal Battle Sisters from a local dude, including the complete metal Immolator conversion set. The thing was, the Immolator parts (that were meant for a MKI Rhino) were stuck onto a MKIIB chassis. It looked terrible. So I removed the metal bits from the MKIIB, stripped them, and assembled a new MKI Rhino. Then, of course, I was left with the stripped and sad MKIIB...

No worries though, I dug into the bits box and replaced the parts that needed work, including the side doors, hatches and pintle weapon, fixed some of the worst damage, and primed the vehicle.
I actually had tried to sell it on a Facebook group and got a bite, but the dude backed out. So a thought occurred to me - why not paint it up as an Inquisition transport? It won't fit into the Sisters army per se since it's a MKIIB and the Sisters vehicles are all MKI Rhinos, but it makes sense that an Inquisitor (or even a Ministorum Confessor or the like) might have a fancier ride, right?

So away I went... the vehicle is panel-highlighted Vallejo Dark Rubber and edge highlighted Celestra Grey, just like the Sisters Rhinos, but I've added a pop of red (Khorne Red panel-highlighted Mephiston Red and edge-highlighted Evil Sunz Scarlet) for interest. The "I" on the hatch is hand-rendered and the decals are from the old Witch-Hunters transfer sheet that came with the Arco-flagellant box set.
Here it is with Uriah Jacobus and some VERY repentant sinners, looking to atone for their conduct by splattering the Emperor's enemies all over the battlefield. This should be a strong unit in the game, as described in the Saint Celestine post.

Of course for other narrative 40K gaming it can be a transport for an Inquisitor and his or her retinue, as shown. Yes I know that the Inquisitor is in Terminator armour and can't ride in a Rhino, but it looks cool in a group photo right?

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and have a great weekend. 


  1. Taxpayer funded transportation for the 40th millenium! Great work Dallas, looks awesome.

  2. Looks great! Now I need to add some vehicles to the guard!
