Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saint Celestine and Geminae Superia

More additions to the Sisters of Battle army today... looking to add some character punch to the group in anticipation of the big battle against Mike's Imperial Guard. So I've painted the old metal Saint Celestine model and converted and painted two Geminae Superia as her bodyguard.

Here she is in her somewhat fuzzy glory... great model to paint but keeping that sword blade stuck on has been another matter entirely. It was broken when I got it and it really seems to have some sort of anti-superglue forcefield working on it. I even tried two-part epoxy to no avail... however it's stuck on now so we'll see how that goes.

I really like those two cute li'l cherubs holding her cloak... of course the fluff on St. Celestine is that she appears when most needed by the Sisters, does her thing (basically wrecks enemy sh!t) and disappears again. Just what you need in a 40K character. "Help us win this battle then f*** off. We don't need to hear you whining about our sh!tty rations or how cramped it is inside a Rhino... you have one job, do it and then just leave."

I really like the flower bouquet decorating the Ardent Blade. Pretty cool in-game as well, since it's both a power sword and a flamer... 

Some editions of the Sisters codex allow (or in some cases require) you to take one or two Geminae Superia along with St. Celestine. They're basically Seraphim with power swords that also act as ablative armour for the Saint.

I had a few extra metal Seraphim without jump packs, so I converted these into Geminae Superia by cutting off one hand and plugging in a current plastic Seraphim hand holding a power sword. I also used the current plastic jump pack. I think the conversion worked pretty well.

The old Seraphim are just soooo nice...

And those new jump packs look cool too don't they! Of course over 25 years the weedy supports attached to the feet of these models had long since departed, so it was simple matter to drill into the bottoms of the models with a pin vice and put in a brass rod/wire in their place. 

Anyway that's it for Celestine, nice to have her and her bodyguard done. Next up is an Inquisitorial Rhino I think. I've got a modern Rhino I rescued from the scrap heap, and was looking at the rules we're likely to use for the Sisters vs. Guard game. It turns out Arco-flagellants can ride in a transport... and the combo of those boys with Uriah Jacobus is not to be missed. As a sneak preview, the unit of six Arco-flagellants with Uriah would have 30 WS5 S4 attacks by themselves, re-rolling misses in the first round of assault, and benefitting from Feel No Pain... ouch! Look out Steel Legion!!


  1. These are really cool figures! Unfortunately I have zero interest in this genre of gaming but the figures are always great....and I do manage to incorporate some female figures into my "historical" gaming!

  2. Fantastic stuff Dallas. I feel like some faith is also required to ensure these models stay safe on the tabletop, but still, so worth it to have some cool characters like these as part of the collection (and available to support tasks of righteous violence during the game!)
