Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Necromunda League - Game 2, and catching up

Over the last few weeks the Necromunda campaign has proceeded apace. Levon had not been able to attend the first session, so I arranged a couple of game nights with him to catch him up.

Scenario 1: Levon (Orlocks, the "Oldboys") vs. Dave (Spyrers, the "Knights of Genetic Purity"):

Draw (Levon +1 bonus: Game Hunter: One of your model's made one successful shooting attack at long range this scenario.)

The Spyrers were randomly set up fairly spread out. All the Spyrers happened to be placed before all of Levon's models, so I was able to place a couple of his models in far corners where it would take awhile for them to get into contact.

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Foolishly, I sent my Yeld swooping down into close combat with an Oerlock Juve, who put the noble Out of Action.

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A Malcadon nailed an Orlock ganger, but was in turn put Out of Action by the same Juve as before!

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My Orrus on the roof finally shot down the pesky Juve.

Meanwhile, the "monster" had appeared near my Jakara, who led her on a merry chase until falling into the sights of some Orlocks, whereupon the Jakara turned around and charged the monster!

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She successfully stayed alive for a couple of turns, using her shield to soak up hits. However, losing two gang members so early forced the Spyrers into making continual bottle checks, which they eventually failed.

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The Orlocks, also reduced in number, then failed THEIR bottle test the very next phase, so the monster remained holding the field in triumph.

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This scenario was more like a traditional Necromunda fight. To win, you had to force the other player's forces to bottle out, Each side got an extra model, a Lamplighter, to try and turn back on the lights after the monster wandered away from the district. You got extra points for the following:

  • Watch It!: At least one of your models used a Blast or Template weapon to target an area or model within 6” of the Mine Office or Lamplighter model.
  • Razorhawk-Eyed: At least one of your models hit an enemy model from Overwatch.
  • Prometheus: Your Lamplighter “lit” at least 3 structures or Lampposts this scenario.

The gang with the lowest gang rating chooses one table edge and deploys his models within 12” of that table edge. This gang is the defender and must nominate one building within 12” of their table edge as the Mine Office. The Mine Office needs to be defended at all costs and may be destroyed (it has a Toughness of 7).

Because of the poor lighting, vision range is reduced to 36”, models may run and hide in the same turn, and models may not use the Marksmen or Fast Shot abilities. The above rule does NOT apply within 6” of the Mine Office or any other structure/terrain that has been “lit” (see below).

Each gang receives one Lamplighter model. This model is considered a friendly model and may benefit from the Gang Leader’s special rule. He has the following profile:

M 4, WS 4, BS 3, S 3,T 3, W 2, I 4, A 1, Ld 7

Weapons: Lamplighters carry a Laspistol, Club, and Krak Grenades. He is so well-equipped that he does not have to take Ammo Rolls. He may be given no other weapons or equipment..

Armor: Lamplighters have a 5+ armor save.

Special: Lamplighters will only shoot as targets within 12”, defend itself in HtH combat, and may only charge an enemy if there is a friendly model within 6”.

Lamp lighting: When any Lamplighter ends its movement in base-to-base contact with a Lamppost or structure (NOT scatter terrain), the Lamplighter may use its remaining turn to “light” that Lamppost or structure. To do so, the lamplighter rolls an Initiative test. If successful, the structure is “lit” (see Special Condition above). We places a lit (battery-operated) tea light within or next to the structure to indicate the Lamplighter succeeded.


Scenario 2: Dallas (Delaques, the "Slicks") vs. Mike (Spyrers): 

Winner=Dallas (plus 1 bonus, for Watch It)

The Slicks set up by the Quonset huts, and the Spyrers set up deep near the train.

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Dallas` Lamplighter lit some buildings.

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The Spyrers moved forward and set up near the centre of the table. on Overwatch.

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The Spyrers couldn`t hit the side of a barn, and a couple were soon gunned down by the Slicks, including a hapless Malcadon toasted by a flamethrower! Mike`s dice failed him, as his forces bottled off the table.

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Scenario 2: Barry (Cawdor) vs. Dave (The Knights of Genetic Purity): 

The "winner" were my Spyrers, who also managed to light 3 lamps.

The Spyrers set up in and around the sushi restaurant and some containers. The Cawdor forces set up neat the garage and behind Taco Bell.

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The faster moving Spyrers moved across to support the Orrus and Jakara moving down the street, while the Spyrer`s Lamplighter (the Friar-looking fellow below) started lighting buildings.

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Some Cawdors were in the wine store, but the Yeld moved out from behind cover to get a bead on a Cawdor ganger beside a cold drink machine. A lucky laser shot took the Cawdor Out of Action.

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The Jakara and a Malcadon then close assaulted the Juves in the wine store, putting them both Out of Action.

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Barry`s Cawdors eventually failed their Bottle Test, granting the win to the Noblist hunting party.

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Scenario 2: Levon (Orlocks)  vs. Dave (duffer Spyrers, "The Ranks of the Fit"):

"Winner"=Dave; both sides lit three lamps, and Levon gained plus 1 bonus for Prometheus.

Playing a few games, my Knights of Genetic Purity gained some cool skills and power ups. I didn`t want them to get too far ahead, so instead of taking my usual gang, I rolled up a beginning group of Sypre Hunters, named "The Ranks of the Fit." Older gamers will recognize these as mutant group names from the hilarious RPG, Paranoia.

The Spyrers set up on top of the Versace store and to either side; the Lamplighter was set up at the Quonset huts.

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The Orlocks were set up in a skirmish to the east of them.

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Buildings were lit as both sides advanced. First blood went to the Spyrers, whose Orrus shot down an Orlock in the middle of the street.

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Orlocks move into the sushi bar.

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A Malcadon with WS5(!) managed to corner a couple of Orlocks by the garage, putting both Out of Action! He was subsequently shot down by a rival ganger.

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The Orlock leader set up a strong point in the sushi bar, with several gangers on Overwatch with all around fields of fire. The Spyrers were reluctant to charge them.

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With three men Down early, the Orlocks were forced to take Bottle Test after Bottle Test,..

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...which they eventually lost, and so fled the field.

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Current  League Standings:
Dallas (Delaques): (2 games) 17 pts.
Levon (Orlocks): (2 games) 7 pts.
Mike (Spyre Hunters): (2 games) 6 pts.
Barry (Cawdor): (2 games) 6 pts.



Dallas' Delaques, "The Slicks"; these are all conversions of figs from east Riding Miniatures, with the flamer guy getting most surgery.: 

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Mike's Spyre Hunters; Mike went with the same hunting rig types as I did:

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Barry's Cawdors; Looks like Barry has converted some other ganger types, such as Goliaths for his Heavy:

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Levon's Orlocks; Another gang put together from parts from various figures:

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My Spyrers, "The Knights of Genetic Purity":

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Byron has an Escher gang on the go, and Mike has started a Scavvy gang. The modelling portion of the campaign is a success so far. I am glad to see such varied units, and I look forward to seeing Byron's and Mike's finished gangs.


  1. Nice report.

    How did you use the bolt action dice? Just as markers for completing actions?

  2. Always great to see 'munda going on. Nice looking table too.

  3. @Lasgunpacker, I was using them for model status, instead of counters. "Down" for Down, etc. had to bodge it a bit.

    I commissioned some custom dice from Chessex specifically for Necromunda status. Six different faces, in two different colours (White lettering on black dice, black lettering on white dice): Overwatch, Run, Hidden, Down, Pinned, and Broken. They just arrived in the mail; I will be using them next game.
