Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Epic 30k - Reinforcements for Horus

XVI Legion reinforcements for Epic 30k

More 30k painting, but switching back to Epic.  Here are some more reinforcements the XVI Legion, the Sons of Horus. These fellows have been under the brush here and there for a couple of weeks but were largely finished up last week while I visited the cabin in beautiful Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.

Tactical marines and Dreadnoughts

This bundle of reinforcements for the Sons of Horus includes three Land Raiders, two Rhinos, a twenty-man detachment of tactical marines, a pair of very shooty Dreadnoughts, and two of larger Land Raider variants - a Cerberus for zapping stubborn things at longer distances, and a Typhon for those nasty things in the universe best dealt with via 300mm, depleted-unobtanium-coated rounds fired at point blank range.  I expect the XVI Legion would use this in more urban situations, from busting into fortifications to dealing with pro-democracy protests...

Typhon - for short range attention that only a Space Marine Legion can provide

Cerberus tank destroyer - useful for longer range abuse

There was no particular rhyme or reason to these painting selections.  I will often start out thinking that I am going to "round out" a given force (more tactical marines, more Rhinos) and then while I am at it I'll also "add this small element to it" (Cerberus and Typhon), which will then need "rounding out" later...it's either a vicious circle, or a beautiful cycle of hobby life, depending on your perspective.

The infantry bases are the same size as the small bases from "Flames of War"

These fellows will be making the trip to Brandon, Manitoba this weekend for Prairiecon 2016.  Once again this year several Conscripts will be making the trip down the highway to Brandon to host games and participate.  I look forward to it every year.  This year we will be running several games, including a game of Epic 30k pitting the enlightened and devoted followers of Horus' bold agenda for hope and change against the sad dupes of the so-called Emperor, who will appear in the form of the VII Legion, the "Imperial Fists".

Horus Heresy classics - the Space Marine Land Raider!
I think I put the wrong roman numeral on that Rhino, now that I look at it...Horus would not be pleased (although Mortarian would probably chuckle - I mean, if a guy like that ever chuckled...)

As always, I leave some painting to the last minute in a rush to try and get more stuff ready for the table, so I'm hoping to have at least one more post with further reinforcements for both sides before the weekend...if you are in the area, come on down to Prairiecon!


  1. Very nice. Are these custom or something new released by forgeworld?

  2. More Epic awesomeness!! All very cool stuff, the infantry is especially well done. Horus needs all the help he can get in his war against the tyrant!

  3. Excellent work yet again Greg! A shame Prairiecon is on the wrong side of the pond.

  4. Outstanding as ever. Looking forward to seeing them in Brandon.

    And Motorei... Prairiecon is great, make no mistake, but it doesn't come anywhere close to comparison with Salute, or even Partizan, to name just two ;-)

  5. Really impressive stuff! Especially considering how darn tiny those are!
