Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rogue Trader Support Squad

Rogue Trader 40k Imperial Guard Support Squad
This entry features some models from the distant mists of Rogue Trader 40k - an Imperial Guard "Support Squad", armed to the teeth and ready to provide covering fire to the tactical squads and assault squad of "F" Company, 122nd Cadian PDF Regiment.

Half the 10-man squad is armed with heavy weapons - serious firepower!
It has been quite some time - a year and a half or so - since I last added a unit to my Rogue Trader guardsmen.  My supply of plastic troops is a little low, so this lot is a real mixed bag - some metal figs from the early "Imperial Army" days, some metal figs from the Rogue Trader period, and a couple of plastics from the 90s.

Four lascannons and a missile launcher - a pretty serious set of weapons
The metals are a random assortment of EBay acquisitions from the past few years, kitted with some scrapings of spare bits from more recent vintage plastic Cadian boxes.  The missile launcher is a spare from the Space Marine RT plastic box.

Wounded trooper still gamely holding his weapon
I particularly like the seriously wounded guy...still clinging to his lasgun, bayonet attached, but ordered to hang back with the heavy weapons by the main officers who think he might be a liability in the assault...

"Shark" style missile launcher and RT-era lascannon (let's call it Ryza pattern or something) - I like how the fellow is checking his watch...
I had painted a few of these models like two years ago on the assumption I would do one of these squads...then I got distracted, etc. etc. I finally finished them off last night while waiting for another WW2 project to dry (more on that later).

More "Imperial Army" era metal heavy weapon troopers - I like the loose look of the flak armour
By the standards of any edition of 40k, the Support Squad is armed to the teeth - four lascannons and a missile launcher.  To make it even better, the missile launcher is equipped with frag, crack AND plasma missiles standard! Plasma missiles are like frag missiles, but they actually are pretty effective.

Some regular troopers - the one on the left is metal with plastic arms, the others are all plastic

I love these old officer with the breastplates...but some variety with the sword arm might have been nice...
And remember this was in an era where individual models could target other individual models on the 40k tabletop, so this squad can pour out quite a bit of firepower to cover the table. Watch out Orks!

Ready for action on the gaming table
This brings my Rogue Trader Imperial Guard force to about 70 models.  Not many models for a game in the current version of 40k, but a pretty large force for a Rogue Trader game.  Dallas has some new terrain he acquired recently that will make for a perfect Rogue Trader game, so I hope to get these guys on to the table before the snow arrives.


  1. Great stuff I had a squad of these back in the day
    Peace James

  2. I look forward to seing them on the table.

  3. Nice paintjob, what a trip through memory lane...

  4. Those are great. I love that you ditched the old lasguns (they are terrible) but kept the old heavy weapons (they have character).

  5. They look ace! Much prefer the heavy weapons from the Rogue trader days.
