Tuesday, October 8, 2013

15mm StuGs (and StuH) Finished

15mm StuGs (and StuH) from Plastic Soldier Company
I finally finished the box of 15mm German WW2 StuGs from Plastic Soldier Company.  These are all "G" variant, I believe (I had incorrectly identified them as "F"s in the post on my first two).  Four of them have 75mm guns, and one (without the schurzen skirts) has the 105mm howitzer.  I think that makes it a "StuH" instead of a "StuG"? I don't know if StuG batteries commonly mixed the two types of weapon, but I wanted to have at least one howitzer vehicle just to have something a little different.

Ready for action on the Eastern Front
It's about time I got a unit of these into my collection.  As Curt has said, the silhouette of these vehicles is really nice - so sure they are going to hit you, they don't even need the turret! I know that's not the reason they were developed, but still...and after all the Germans built, what, eight or nine thousand of these vehicles? They were fairly common vehicles, and I look forward to getting them into a game where, of course, newly-painted vehicles will dominate.

Stowage detail is a litte soft, but not the end of the world
After bungling the assembly on one of the first models, I managed to finish these last three without screwing up too badly (although on one I put the drive sprocket on the inside of the track assembly instead of the outside - whoops! - cue the hobby knife and much swearing...).

Sturmhaubitze with a 105mm gun - serious direct fire support for the hard-pressed grenadiers
These PSC models are very, very nice but I am just such a curmudgeon when it come to assembling things that I still prefer Battlefront (which you still need to fiddle with, just not as much).  That's not to say you should avoid them - again, it's just me.  If you want to build up a 15mm WW2 vehicle force, PSC is a good way to go about it.  Great price and fun kits.

Rear view of the StuH
These are all painted in a two-tone yellow and green cammo pattern that I have used with most of my German WW2 armour, meant to be "late-mid-war" but really will do for any period from the summer of 1943 to the end of the war.

StuG batteries roll towards the front...or, in this case,  Kathy Reichs' latest best seller...
Up next? Random odds and ends as always, but I will offer this slight preview: winter is not too far away here on the prairies of Canada, and I'm hoping it is not too far away from the gaming table either...


  1. These are very nice, love the camo


  2. They look great. You're correct: StuG III G and StuH 42. And they could be mixed within the same platoon.
