Wednesday, November 21, 2012

(Storage) Space, the Final Frontier

So, it has happened. Both Greg and I were working on blog posts today and we got the same message when trying to upload photos:

Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. 

So now "Blogger" (i.e. Google) has us over a barrel. Start paying for extra storage space, or revert to a text-only blog. Since we are both pic-whores (sorry to speak for you buddy but you know it's true) I guess we all know what's gonna happen...

[please imagine this space contains this image]   


I know, I know, Blogger is free and I shouldn't complain, but I'm a real...

[please imagine this space contains this image]

and it annoys me greatly to have to pay for something that used to be free.


  1. You can host images in a photo storage site like flickr or photobucket and then link them into the blog. You simply click add picture as normal and then paste a link to your picture. As a bonus, the pages on your blog should load faster as well.

  2. Why not simply use flicker or something like this ?

  3. Dallas - if you check the blogger/picasa terms, pics up to 800x800 pixels don't count towards the 1GB quota. You could get around this by posting smaller pics and not have to pay anything.

  4. Go on, complain. It'll make you feel better. Love that first linked picture!

  5. It's true Dallas - I'm a pic whore :)

    I generally loathe Flickr and Photobucket, as I would rather stab myself than add yet another set of passwords and log-ins to my life. But I am just a misanthrope, so my views are hardly a sound guide.

    So perhaps we need to stay tuned for the Fawcett Avenue Photobucket...

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone!

    "I've just made a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever."

  7. "I've just made a deal that'll keep the Empire out of here forever."

    Uh-oh! That can't be good!

    I just started a blog myself. I've been pasting photos into Picasa, but have others in Flickr. Didn't realize I could post directly into the blog! :-}

    Let me know how it goes!

  8. After 15 minutes of trying to use Flickr, I am ready to surrender and pay for space - but does Google make that easy? Of COURSE NOT.

    So the Empire stayed out for about half a day...on the other hand, much like the fictional Empire, trying to deal with the Empire is not a customer friendly experience.

    Bruce - can you send a link to your blog?
