Thursday, November 22, 2012

Some 15mm World War 2 Stuff

15mm Panzer IV-Hs - the one on the front left is from PSC - the others are Battlefront
After a grumble about running out of photo space on the site, I tried to use Flickr. I loathe the various free photo-sharing sites, and this renewed attempt to employ one lasted about fifteen minutes. So I am now bent over by Google. It was just a matter of time anyway!  So with that out of the way, finally a new post!

Another view of the PSC Mark IV
I had not done much of this since Curt C's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge wrapped up earlier this year, but the WW2 bug has got me again. I have a pile of 15mm stuff waiting for attention, and I am starting to move through it. Just a few pics of some recent worktable progress on more 15mm WW2 material - German and Russian stuff from the Eastern Front.

A Mark IV-H from Battlefront - I barely managed to get the armoured skirts attached...
For the Germans, some Mark IV-H panzers.  One of these had been painted some time ago - and had already seen action on the gaming table (too bad it could not help its larger friends during that game, but anyway)- but the other two are new models.  One is from Battlefront, and the other is a test model from Plastic Soldier Company.

The PSC Mark IV panzer models are lovely, whereas the Battlefront models - which look nice too - are pure hell to put together.  On the other hand, the Battlefront Panzers are available with the Zimmerit finish, which may matter to some folks. I highly recommend the PSC Panzers, so long as you don't want (or don't care about) Zimmerit on the tanks.

I started basing my 15mm vehicles while working on my Golan Heights Project.  I liked the overall effect, so I have started doing this for my WW2 15mm stuff as well.  So far I'm pleased with the results, although the grass was maybe a little lighter than I had hoped.

And now the infantry...

Some 15mm Russians from Battlefront...about 1/100th of the total force I will need...
Russians are up first. You pretty much always need a lot of Russian troops for almost any Eastern Front scenario, so this is the first step in tackling a LARGE pile of stuff. These are Battlefront castings - but I have some Peter Pig ones coming up too. And I am doing a few on individual bases, for skirmish gaming purposes.  More on that in a later post...

It will be a while before enough stuff is accumulated to play a game, but Dallas mentioned the other day that the 70th anniversary of Kursk is next year.  I think that will serve as a nice motivation to get through this pile and fill a table with flaming tanks next year...


  1. Awesome stuff Greg! I think we'll have plenty of stuff done for Kursk - I've got over a dozen tanks and 40+ stands of Russian infantry too - although not quite as nice as yours!

  2. Thanks Dallas.

    I'm thinking the Fawcett Gang should go batsh*t nuts and aim to run some kind of frigging huge 12' table Kursk game or something at PrairieCon...

  3. Fair play, Greg, these are all really well executed, well done sir!

  4. I think that's a great idea. We could use two of the GW 4x6 mats (I have one and they are readily available) for a 4x12 game along the "long edges". OR an 8x6 game!

  5. Very nice Greg! You realize when you say 'the Fawcett Gang should go batsh*t crazy and do something' that really means, um, you and Dallas, right? (Yes, that was a taunt to the rest of you...)

  6. But Curt, it's like any gang. You have a few full patch members, a couple of prospects and then a bunch of hangarounds. You can't trust the big projects to lesser members...although the hangarounds should probably be the ones bringing the beer!

  7. I'm sure Mike, at least, would join in some batsh*t nuttiness. I'm pleased he is already seeing us as a gang...

  8. "although the hangarounds should probably be the ones bringing the beer!"

    Truer words were never spoke...

  9. Well Dallas, that's usually an issue for the Sgt-at-Arms to deal with.

  10. As the Kursk Anniversary is on my birthday I'll help if anything is needed... I can put down a good deal of German armour.....

    These models look amazing, and while I know there is a ton of controversy over it in certain places I think your basing the tanks is simply Beautiful!
