Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Inferalti Hussars Grenadier Squad

 It's been a while since I've added a unit to my 30k Imperial Militia army, but I've found the motivation to finish the last couple units I have for this army. If yop remember, I was working on an army representing the Imperial Army regiment, The Inferalti Hussars. they feature in the book Praetorian of Dorn and helped defend Pluto from the Alpha Legion. They are a regiment from the 'Old Hundred" which is made up of Terran regiments who fought with the Emperor during the Unification Wars. Rules wise the army list uses Provenances of War that let you customize the army. One provenance is "Survivors of the Dark Age" which allows the army to use Rhinos and Land Raiders and increases their save by 1. It's meant to represent an army that kept their more advance tech during the Age of Strife.

 This is the fist of 2 grenadier squads I have left to complete. The models are form Anvil Industries regiments line. They fit in nicely with GW models, though they are a bit on the small side. This works out great standing next to Space Marines models as they make the marine look quite bulky. The only 'problem' with the AI models is the guns are small compared to GW. By small, I actually mean well proportioned to the model as GW guns are quite oversized. To fix this I gave the squad boltguns form the Mark IV marines set. 

One more squad to go!


  1. They look great Mike. I really like how you seem to have added stocks to the bolters...did those come with the figures, or did you convert them somehow? It's a very cool look on the figures.

  2. They’re part of the model. Making them fit properly was a bit of a struggle given the bulk of the bolter, but they came out nicely.
