Monday, May 3, 2021

Kavalos Deathriders

 The final entry of Ossiarch Bonereapers for a while are the Kavalos Deathriders. They are the cavalry unit for the army and can be armed with either sword or spear. I went with sword because they offer rend which is a -1 to armor save. The mounts are bone constructs made from an assortment of animal remains. They also have the spirit skulls that make painting a bit of a challenge. This unit wasn't as bad with the skulls, but i still had to paint it in sub assemblies.  In game terms I don't think the cavalry are the most useful, but I had to include at least one unit.

Next I'm going to switch gears and work on some more Minotaurs space marines


  1. Great work on these guys Mike. You'll inspire me to crack and paint some AoS figures yet...

  2. Very cool and so very, very bony!
